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File Number: 12-443 <br />Analysis <br />The bids were opened on September 5, 2012. Six (6) bids were received ranging from <br />$616,345 to $1,061,735. Suarez & Munoz Construction, Inc. was the lowest responsible <br />bidder. The engineer's estimate for the work was $508,479.80. Staff has verified that the <br />contractor has a valid license with the Contractors State License Board. <br />Previous Actions <br />• On February 17, 2009, by Resolution No. 2009-023, the City Council approved a <br />resolution authorizing the application for local grant funds from EBRPD under Measure <br />WW, the Park Bond Extension <br />• On July 16, 2012, by Resolution No. 2012-086, the City Council approved a resolution <br />approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />This project is consistent with General Plan Goal No. 21 - Rehabilitation of existing parks. <br />Environmental Review <br />The project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3). A notice to this effect <br />was filed with the County on March 26, 2010. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The estimated total cost of the Marina Park Irrigation Improvements project is $793,835. The <br />design phase cost was $89,490, and the construction phase is estimated at $704,345. <br />Public Works is anticipating that this project should decrease annual maintenance costs on <br />the irrigation system for both the City and American Golf Corporation, which provides partial <br />maintenance at Marina Park. This savings would mostly be in the form of saved labor costs <br />currently associated with maintaining an old irrigation system. <br />Budget Authority <br />$794,178 has been allocated for this project as follows: <br />• $622,000 of Measure WW Park funds in account 150-62-111 per the 2010-11 City <br />budget <br />• $172,178 of Park Development funds in account 122-62-111 transferred from accounts <br />122-38-314 and 122-38-322 that were allocated in the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 City <br />budgets. The City Manager authorized the transfer on September 18, 2012. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />• Bid Summary, Transfer of Funding Authorization Memo <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 10/9/2012 <br />