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WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code section 34179(n) authorizes the OVERSIGHT <br />BOARD to direct a successor agency to provide additional legal advice that what was given by <br />successor agency staff; and <br />WHEREAS, the OVERSIGHT BOARD directed the Successor Agency to enter into this <br />AGREEMENT for legal services to provide additional legal advice to the OVERSIGHT <br />BOARD by Resolution on October 31, 2012. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION <br />of the mutual covenants and promises <br />of the PARTIES herein contained, the PARTIES hereto agree as follows: <br />SECTION 1.Effective Date. <br />The Effective Date of this Agreement is November 1, 2012. <br />SECTION 2.Term. <br />The term of this AGREEMENT shall be for one (1) year from the <br />Effective Date. <br />SECTION 3.Scope of Work. <br />SUCCESSOR AGENCY engages ATTORNEY to provide legal <br />advice and representation to the OVERSIGHT BOARD as described in the Scope of Work <br />attached hereto as Exhibit A and fully incorporated into this AGREEMENT. <br />SECTION 4.Compensation. <br />ATTORNEY shall be compensated at an Hourly Rate and for <br />Reimbursable Expenses as set forth in this Section 4. <br />4.1Hourly Rate.ATTORNEY shall be compensated on an hourly basis for services <br />Hourly Rate <br />rendered under Section 3 at the rate of $215 per hour (the “”). Time <br />will be billed in 1/10 of an hour increments. Travel time shall be charged and <br />paid at the Hourly Rate. Charges for word processing, secretarial assistance and <br />other overhead are assumed to be captured in the Hourly Rate and will not be <br />compensated. <br />4.2Reimbursable Expenses.ATTORNEY shall be reimbursed for actual and <br />Reimbursable Expenses <br />reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (the “”), including <br />photocopy/duplication charges and costs (not to exceed $0.25 per page), research- <br />related charges, filing fees, telephone charges, parking, and tolls. No other <br />expenses will be authorized for reimbursement unless approved in advance in <br />writing by SUCCESSOR AGENCY. <br />4.3Rates for Additional Personnel.Additional hourly rates for any and all services <br />provided by additional personnel require advance SUCCESSOR AGENCY <br />approval. <br />4.4Invoices and Payment. <br />4.4.1ATTORNEY shall submit monthly invoices to SUCCESSOR AGENCY <br />for all legal services rendered pursuant to this AGREEMENT at the <br />address listedfor the SUCCESSOR AGENCY in Section 14.11 below. <br />LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN SUCCESSOR AGENCY <br />TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF <br />OF SAN LEANDRO AND CRAIG LABADIE <br />Page of <br /> <br /> <br />