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<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: November 19, 2012 Presentation File Number: 12-553 Agenda Section: PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITIONS Agenda Number: 2.B. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata <br />City Manager BY: Tom Liao Acting Community Development Director FINANCE REVIEW: Not Applicable TITLE: Updates to the Allocation Process of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />Funds under the Community Assistance Grant Program (CAP) for Social Services SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Human Services Commission (HSC) and Staff recommend updating the process of <br />allocating the City’s federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to social services providers under the Community Assistance Grant Program (CAP). This report is for information <br />only, and no action is required. BACKGROUND The Community Assistance Grant Program (CAP) provides financial support to non-profits providing social services and programs for individuals <br />and families living in San Leandro. While the CAP program has been historically funded with with both the City’s General Funds and CDBG funds, it has been solely funded with CDBG funds <br />since the 2010-2011 fiscal year due to the City’s budgetary situation. The HSC and staff recommend updating the allocation process of the limited amount of CDBG funds for the CAP program. <br />The HSC and Staff are currently working on the CAP Program Request for Proposal (RFP) for the upcoming two-year funding cycle covering fiscal years 2013-2015. DISCUSSION The Human Services <br />Commission and staff convened on October 24th and November 7th to discuss and approve new funding criteria for the HSC and staff to use to allocate CDBG funds to the social services <br />agencies who respond to the CAP Program RFP that will be released on November 30, 2012. RFP applications will be accepted until January 14, 2013. The HSC’s funding recommendations, which <br />will be adopted at its February 27th commission meeting, will be incorporated in the City’s HUD FY 2013-2014 Action Plan. The Draft of the Action Plan will be presented at the April <br />1st City Council Meeting for approval and to begin the 30-day public comment City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 11/13/2012 <br />File Number: 12-553 period. The City Council will review and approve the Final Action Plan at its May 6th Council meeting before the Final Action Plan is submitted to HUD before the <br />deadline on May 15th. The HSC and Staff reviewed and updated the funding criteria in order to most effectively target the limited CDBG funding resources to address the City’s most critical <br />basic needs, which HSC and Staff have identified as food, shelter, mental health and health care. The following will be added to the existing funding criteria of the CAP Program: · A <br />CAP Program recipient will receive a minimum grant of $10,000 ($5,000 was the previous minimum award amount). · Agencies will be limited to submitting only one (1) grant application <br />(previously agencies that provide multiple services and programs were awarded with multiple grants). · A fresh look at funding will be considered (historical funding was previously used <br />as a funding criterion). · A program’s sources of funding will be considered (other funding sources were previously not used as a funding criterion). CONCLUSION The CAP Program RFP for <br />the upcoming FY 2013-2015 funding cycle will incorporate these new funding criteria for the allocation of federal CDBG dollars limited under the HUD-restricted 15% public services cap. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 11/13/2012