<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: December 3, 2012 Minutes File Number: 12-556 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: 8.B. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager BY:
<br />David Baum Finance Director FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum Finance Director TITLE: ACCEPT: Finance Committee Meeting Highlights of November 2, 2012 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Schedule appointment
<br />of Sarah Galvin as the final member of the Measure Z Oversight Committee (listed as Consent Calendar Item 8.G.) CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE November 2, 2012
<br />8:30am - 10:00am San Leandro City Hall 835 East 14th Street San Leandro, California (City Council Chamber) HIGHLIGHTS 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. 1.A.
<br />Attendance Committee Members: Mayor Cassidy, Councilmember Cutter, Councilmember Prola City Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Marshall, Finance Director Baum, Public Work Director
<br />Bakaldin, Facilities and Open Space Manager Pollart, Budget and Compliance Manager Perini, IIT City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 12/3/2012
<br />File Number: 12-556 Manager Fowler, and Administrative Assistant III Perez Public Present: Charles Gilcrest 1.B. Announcements None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.A. Update on Internal Service
<br />Funds Public Works Director Bakaldin and Open Space Manager Pollart presented to the Finance Committee recommendations for future years replacement charges, fund reserve levels, and
<br />use of fund balances for Equipment Maintenance and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds. Public Works proposed a plan which increases equipment maintenance charges, in fiscal
<br />years 2014 and 2015, to build reserves for future high replacement years. Public Works has also presented a five-year project plan for Building Maintenance projects. Projects include:
<br />replace heat pump in Council Chambers, redesign and construct storefront windows at Marina Community Center, and upgrade mens and womens shower areas at Boys and Girls Club. Ms. Pollart
<br />explained that at the end of FY 2012 there was a balance of approximately $1.3 million aand staff is recommending building reserves. Mayor Cassidy and Councilmember Prola would like
<br />further discussions with the entire Council and Councilmember Cutter agreed to go forward as presented. Information Technology Manager Fowler presented to the Finance Committee recommendations
<br />for future information technology improvements. Improvements include: SWAT headsets, server to store video from individual cameras worn by Officers, upgrade of Library System, and
<br />Video Surveillance/Security of Police Department and City Hall. The cost for the projects will be funded by the FY 12-13 capital improvements budget as well as existing fund balance.
<br />The Finance Committee approves further discussion of the Internal Service Funds (Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, and Information Technology) with the City Council at future
<br />City Council meetings. 2.B. Measure Z Committee Member Recommendation Finance Director Baum presented the Finance Committee with the final candidate, Sarah Galvin, member of tthe Downtown
<br />Business Association, for the Measure Z Oversight Committee. Committee Recommendation for City Council Consideration The Finance Committee recommends Sarah Galvin as the final candidate
<br />of the Measure Z Oversight Committee to the City Council. City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 12/3/2012
<br />File Number: 12-556 2.C. Financial Reports Calendar Finance Director Baum presented the Finance Committee with a calendar of all Financial Reports that are required by local, state,
<br />and federal authorities and are prepared and provided by the Finance Staff. Reports include the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year end. 2.D. Finance Director
<br />Update Finance Director Baum informed the Finance Committee of the new Government Accounting Standard Board (GASB) requirements 67 and 68 which will require additional financial reports
<br />related to the Citys retirement pension plans . Mayor Cassidy stated he would like for the budget process to include pension discussions with the City Council. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None
<br />4. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS None 5. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 12/3/2012
<br />Finance Committee City of San Leandro Meeting Agenda Civic Center 835 East 14th Street San Leandro, California Mayor Stephen H. Cassidy, Chair Councilmember Pauline Russo Cutter Councilmember
<br />Jim Prola Friday, November 2, 2012 8:30 AM City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.A. Attendance 1.B. Announcements 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.A. 12-518 Update on Internal Service Funds
<br />Equipment Maintenance and Building Maintenance Projects Information Technology Projects Attachments: 2.B. 12-519 Measure Z Committee Member Recommendation Attachments: Measure Z Oversight
<br />Committee Final Nominee 2.C. 12-520 Financial Reports Calendar Attachments: Financial Reports Calendar 2.D. 12-521 Finance Director Update 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS
<br />5. ADJOURN City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 10/26/2012
<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO MEMORANDUM DATE: November 2, 2012 TO: Finance Committee FROM: Chris Zapata, City Manager BY: Michael Bakaldin, Public Works Services Director Debbie Pollart, Facilities
<br />& Open Space Manager SUBJECT: Equipment Maintenance and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds The purpose of this memorandum is to provide recommendations for
<br />replacement charges, recommended fund reserve levels, and the use of fund balances exceeding the recommended reserve levels for the Equipment Maintenance and Building Maintenance Internal
<br />Service Funds. It is intended that these recommendations be incorporated into the upcoming two year budget cycle. Equipment Maintenance Internal Service Fund Historically, this fund
<br />has not collected a fixed amount annually only the amount necessary to purchase equipment slated for replacement in that fiscal year. To fully fund vehicle replacements, the Equipment
<br />Maintenance Fund should charge out approximately $600,000 per year. Ideally, the fund should build reserves when equipment replacements are less than $600,000 and tap reserves when replacements
<br />are greater. This would provide a predictable revenue stream to the fund, a predictable annual charge to client funds, and fully fund vehicle replacement. In an effort to save money
<br />during the budget crisis, starting in FY 2011 the Public Works Department extended the replacement schedule of many types of equipment (typically by 2-5 years, depending upon the vehicle).
<br />In addition, the department selectively extended the service life of existing equipment beyond its scheduled replacement dates, including several expensive (>$100,000 replacement cost)
<br />apparatus. Therefore, the replacement budgets for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 were somewhat artificially low and are not representative of historic replacement amounts. 1
<br />Equipment and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds November 2, 2012 Starting with FY 2014, the Equipment Maintenance Fund will have an estimated $900,000 balance. Staff believes
<br />that an operating reserve of $200,000 is adequate to accommodate un-planned expenses (i.e., gas/diesel fuel spikes, catastrophic failure of equipment). Staff has projected future equipment
<br />maintenance budgets through FY 2019 (Measure Z sunsets in March 2018). As shown in the graph above, the low equipment maintenance budgets for fiscal years 2011 through 2013 are not sustainable.
<br />Under the proposed fiscal plan, an increase in equipment maintenance charges is necessary in fiscal years 2014 and 2015. However, excess fund balance can be used starting in FY 2015
<br />to keep the annual replacement charges down during the upcoming Under this plan, annual replacement charges are kept
<br />fairly steady over the next six years through the use of reserves. $568,000 $742,000 $678,000 $176,000 $176,000 $242,000 $500,000 $850,000 $1,000,000 $900,000 $750,000 $600,000 $0 $200,000
<br />$400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BUDGET Budget $0
<br />$200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FISCAL PLAN Projected Equipment Replacement Budget
<br />Recommended Equipment Replacement Charges Use of Equipment Reserves Equipment Fund Balance 2
<br />Equipment and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds November 2, 2012 Fiscal Year Replacement Budget Recommended Charges Budget Change GF Change* Use of Reserves Ending Fund Balance
<br />2013 $242,000 $242,000 $0 $0 ($100,000) $900,000 2014 $500,000 $500,000 $258,000 $167,000 $0 $900,000 2015 $850,000 $700,000 $200,000 $130,000 ($150,000) $750,000 2016 $1,000,000 $700,000
<br />$0 $0 ($300,000) $450,000 2017 $900,000 $700,000 $0 $0 ($200,000) $250,000 2018 $750,000 $700,000 $0 $0 ($50,000) $200,000 2019 $600,000 $600,000 ($100,000) ($65,000) $0 $200,000 *General
<br />Fund is allocated 65% of the equipment charges; Reserves expected to be used in FY 2013 for fuel. Building Maintenance Internal Service Fund Similar to Equipment Maintenance, a fund
<br />balance has accumulated for building maintenance, with an end of FY 2012 balance of approximately $1.3M. Historically, there has been no mechanism for using fund balance to pay for unfunded
<br />or deferred building maintenance projects. Staff has developed a five-year building maintenance project plan and is recommending that fund reserves, greater than the recommended $200,000
<br />operating reserve, be used to fund the five-year plan. Projects identified as part of the five-year plan are shown in the table below. Five-Year Building Maintenance Project Plan Building
<br />Project Estimated Budget FY 2013 Public Safety Bldg. Replace indoor chilled water coil & air handler $350,000 City Hall Replace heat pump in Council Chambers $25,000 MCC Redesign and
<br />construct storefront windows; new carpet in hallways $116,000 Subtotal: $491,000 FY 2014 City Hall Replace south end roof $80,000 Paint exterior (main building) $238,000 Replace air
<br />handler #1 (north end of building) $150,000 Subtotal: $468,000 FY 2015 Boys & Girls Club
<br />$60,000 City Hall Paint exterior (PD, South Offices/Theater, Motor Barn) $172,000 Replace Ready-key system $75,000 SCC Install new duct work $15,000 Fire Station #12 Paint exterior $15,000
<br />3
<br />Equipment and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds November 2, 2012 Building Project Estimated Budget Install new carpet/flooring $29,000 Main Library Re-gasket centrifugal chiller
<br />$20,000 Manor Library Re-set tiles @exterior $17,000 Public Works Improvements to 2 Downtown trash enclosures $75,000 Subtotal: $478,000 FY 2016 Police Install key fob into Jail sally
<br />port $5,000 Boys & Girls Club Install new pool deck heater $15,000 City Hall Replace office/common areas carpeting $100,000 Replace 1st/2nd floor operable windows $40,000 SLFAC Powder
<br />coat play structure in water $8,000 MCC Replace canister lights w/LED or fluorescent (dimmable) $40,000 Replace kitchen heating unit & make-up $12,000 Sand, stain, seal Titan wood stage
<br />floor $12,000 Fire Station #9 Remodel/expand kitchen; paint exterior $100,000 Install new carpet/flooring $11,000 Replace 100g hot water tank $5,000 Subtotal: $348,000 FY 2017 SLFAC
<br />Paint large slide stairs $6,000 Various Parks Paint exterior of Memorial, Siempre Verde, and Cherry Grove restrooms; new roof on Cherry Grove shed 18,000 Casa Peralta Variety of preservation/restorat
<br />ion work (water heater; remove abandoned electrical wire; repair concrete stairs; replace ~3,000 sf of shake roof $35,000 Public Works Paint fascia and door trim throughout $20,000 Subtotal:
<br />$79,000 FY 2013-2017 Projects Total: $1,864,000 The building projects shown for FY 2013 have been funded with the one-time $540K budget item that came from savings from unspent facilities
<br />capital improvement projects. The proposed five-year plan requires additional funding of $1,323,500 to cover the projects identified in fiscal years 2014-2017. Starting with FY 2014,
<br />staff proposes drawing down Building Maintenance Fund reserves for implementation of the projects until the recommended operating reserve level of $200,000 is reached, which will provide
<br />an additional $1.1M to fund the projects. The remaining funding of $224,000 will come from the annual operating budget where currently $102,000 is is budgeted
<br />for project work. 4
<br />Equipment and Building Maintenance Internal Service Funds November 2, 2012 Conclusion Staff is recommending these changes to the Equipment Maintenance and Buildings Replacement Internal
<br />Service Funds be implemented starting with the upcoming two-year budget cycle. Having consistent equipment maintenance charges is better for departments in terms of determining their
<br />overall operating budgets (less up and down from year to year) and fully funds replacement. In addition, current fund reserve levels in both funds exceed estimated operating reserve
<br />needs. Staff recommends that these accumulated years of equipment maintenance and to complete identified
<br />building maintenance projects which would otherwise need to be deferred. 5
<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO MEMORANDUM DATE: November 2, 2012 TO: Finance Committee FROM: Chris Zapata, City Manager BY: David Baum Finance Director Rayan Fowler, Information Services Manager
<br />SUBJECT: Information Technology Fund Projects The purpose of this information technology update is to provide recommendations for future information technology improvements. These recommendations
<br />represent the coordinated priorities of all City departments. The estimated cost for these projects is $630,100 and would be funded by the FY 12-13 budget for capital improvements as
<br />well as existing fund balance. The proposed projects are set forth below: Replace the HP8000
<br />used extensively by all the Finance staff and needs excessive repair for the outside printer vendor. SWAT Headsets At the end
<br />of this year, the Police Department will be moving to the new radio system. The current headsets used by SWAT do not have the appropriate connection to the new radios. The headsets are
<br />a vital piece of equipment for SWAT to be able to communicate to other members of the team. Server to store video from individual cameras worn by Officers The Police Department is interested
<br />in deploying a system, Vievu, which takes video from body cameras worn by Officers and stores the file where it cannot be altered or deleted by the Officers. This system has assisted
<br />other agencies in investigations and reduced the number of complaints filed against officers and municipalities. The Police Department has indicated that the department would pay for
<br />the system and cameras, but is requesting a large capacity server to store the videos. Mobile Web Accessibility for Facilities Staff With the installation of the Johnson Controls building
<br />management system in most City buildings, staff has the ability to receive notifications/alarms via a smart phone/tablet/iPad, and can assess/fix the issue on a mobile device via the
<br />web. This allows for a quicker response and saves time and money by Facilities staff not having to get into a truck and drive to a location. Mobile accessibility would also work with
<br />any future work order system, as well as the ready-key system, allowing for responses in the field in real time rather than waiting to come back into the office. This request also 1
<br />Proposed Technology Project November 2, 2012 includes two (2) USB Wi-Fi remotes for the two laptops that Facilities staff uses in the field for the Johnson Controls system. Upgrade Library
<br />System The Library associated
<br />with it. This application is outdated and the vendor has indicated that no further enhancements to the database are being considered. The product no longer meets the growing technological
<br />needs of the Library and its patrons. An upgrade would allow the Library to offer text message alerts, Facebook integration with the Library catalog, as well as many other mobile applications
<br />that the community has come to expect.
<br /> application does not meet the Payment Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). These standards are a set of requirements designed to
<br />ensure that all companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Library staff is recommending upgrading to Cloud technology. All maintenance
<br />would be maintained by the vendor and reduce current resource requirements. The San Leandro Public Library Foundation has agreed to fund the initial upgrade costs for this project. On-Line
<br />Timesheets To increase efficiency and accuracy and reduce resource requirements for all departments, an on-line time system has been requested. The functionality of the system should
<br />include the ability for employees to input their time on-line, provide the workflow for review and tracking of supervisor/manager approval, integrate with the PD scheduling system, and
<br />transfer the data automatically to the Cit The Finance Department has one payroll clerk who must enter all the time sheets for all City
<br />employees. Due to the time it takes to input the data into our current system, timesheets are due up to 1 week (depending on holidays, etc.) before the end of the time period. This requires
<br />employees and their supervisors/managers to track unexpected overtime and time off. Very few other municipalities throughout the State still utilize paper timesheets and those with automated
<br />systems have noted increased efficiency and accuracy. Replace self-check machines The Library currently has 2 self--�
<br />� Library patrons. These machines are made by 3M and are over 12 years old. The Library is requesting to replace this equipment with two new machines as the
<br />current machines are often out of order. New machines would also offer a pay-at-point option for patrons to pay fines directly at self-check station, eliminating the need to go to Library
<br />Staff to resolve fine payment. 2
<br />Proposed Technology Project November 2, 2012 Video Surveillance/Security of Police Department and City Hall The Police Department monitors the outside of Police Department and inside
<br />City Hall. The current surveillance system is over 12 years old and is limited in functionality (images are viewed by Dispatch but cannot be recorded.) Based on recent criminal activity,
<br />the Police Department is requesting to upgrade their current analog system to a digital surveillance system with recording capability and wireless cameras to increase the area that is
<br />currently monitored. Work Order System The Public Works Department would like to implement a unified, department-wide electronic work order and work planning system. The system would
<br />provide the department with the capabilities to plan and schedule preventative maintenance, track unanticipated work order, move away from paper based work orders, analyze trends in
<br />resource use and time use for various work activities and ultimately increase work order and work planning management efficiency. The work order system should have a module for inventory
<br />management and the ability to perform wireless data entry with smart phones or tablets. Provide Building Inspectors with iPads and Software for Plan Checking in the Field Expand the
<br />pilot project by provide all the Building Inspectors with iPads. Currently the
<br /> their desktops. The iPads will provide the connectivity and also allow the Inspectors to
<br /> set that is submitted electronically. This tool has
<br />proven itself invaluable during the pilot with Kaiser Hospital HSB project. Revisions to the plans are downloaded as they get approved so the Inspector has the most current plan set
<br />at all times. The inspectors currently are provided a laptop and it is time to replace the equipment. The iPad is less expensive that the laptops, small enough to carry on the jobsite,
<br />does not require an external air card, has Wi-Fi and 4g connectivity and allows access not only to our database and plans but could also hold the building code texts. The Inspectors
<br />would no longer have to carry all the volumes of current building codes in their trucks. 3
<br />Police Video Server 28,000.00 Public Works Mobile Web Accessibility -Facilities Staff 3,700.00 612.00 Proposed Projects from IT Budget: $50,900.00 $612.00 Library Upgrade Library System
<br />119,000.00 73,557.00 60,100.00 58,900.00 Library Foundation will fund implementation costs of $58,900. Increase in IT annual budget line item 688-13-001-5310 of $30,000 Finance On-Line
<br />Timesheets 25,000.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 Increase in annual maintenance cost of $2,500 Library Replace Self-check Machines 27,400.00 3,250.00 27,400.00 Increase in annual maintenance
<br />cost of $12,500 Police Video Surveillance/Security of Police Department and City Hall 250,000.00 250,000.00 Maintenance Costs not determined yet Public Works Work Order System 150,000.00
<br />12,500.00 150,000.00 Increase in annual maintenance costs of $12,500 Community Development Provide Building Inspectors with iPads and Software for Plan Checking in the Field 7,800.00
<br />7,800.00 Proposed Projects from Fund Balance: $579,200.00 $91,807.00 $520,300.00 $58,900.00 TOTALS: $630,100.00 $93,746.00 $520,300.00 $58,900.00 ESTIMATED COST 4
<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO MEMORANDUM DATE: November 2, 2012 TO: Finance Committee FROM: Chris Zapata, City Manager BY: David Baum, Finance Director SUBJECT: Measure Z Oversight Committee Final
<br />Nominee RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council review and accept Sarah Galvin as the fifth member of the Measure Z Oversight Committee. OVERVIEW On September 4, 2012,
<br />the City Council approved four members to serve on the Measure Z Oversight Committee. The addition of a fifth member was referred back to the Finance Committee for its recommendation.
<br />Staff has confirmed that the fifth member is a member of the Downtown Business Association (DBA) and is its choice to serve on the Measure Z Oversight Committee. The nomination was scheduled
<br />for the October 5, 2012 Finance Committee meeting, which was cancelled. To complete the Measure Z Oversight Committee roster, staff is recommending that the Council approve Sarah Galvin.
<br />s application indicates that she is a member of the DBA and has been asked by the Association to serve on the Measure Z Oversight Committee. Ms. Galvin also owns
<br />a residence and business in San Leandro. In an email to City Staff on September 26, 2012, the President of the DBA, Audrey Velasquez, also confirmed Sarah Galvin as the nominee For background
<br />information, the staff report to City Council for the approval of the first four members is attached. 1
<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: September 4, 2012 Staff Report File Number: 12-402 Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS Agenda Number: 10.B. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: David Baum Finance Director FINANCE REVIEW: Not Applicable TITLE: Staff Report for Resolution Approving Appointments to the City of San Leandros Measure Z Oversight Committee as
<br />Required by Ordinance No. 2010-022 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the proposed resolution for the purpose of selecting a five member Citizens Oversight Committee
<br />related to Measure Z. BACKGROUND Ordinance No. 2010-022, that created the Measure Z Transaction and Use Tax, calls for formation of a Citizens Oversight Committee. Section 2-19-165
<br />in summary states: There shall be a five-member committee of members of the public to review and report on the revenue and expenditure of funds from the tax adopted by this chapter.
<br /> Prior to the operative date, the City Council shall adopt a resolution establishing the compositiion of the committee and defining the scope of its responsibilities. Retail businesses
<br />and residential and business consumers represent community segments most directly impacted by Measure Z. The following will be the composition of the Citizens Oversight Committee
<br />as approved by the City Council: · Representative of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce. · Retail representative from the Downtown Business Association · Officer from a homeowner or
<br />neighborhood association. · City Board or Commission member. · Owner or manager of a business located in San Leandro. The City Council Finance Committee also discussed the meeting frequency
<br />and terms for City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 8/28/2012
<br />File Number: 12-402 members on the Citizens Oversight Committee. It was agreed that at least during the first year, the Citizens Oversight Committee would need to meet more than once,
<br />although it might not be necessary to meet more than once a year in the future. Membership limits should be set at two 3-year terms. On April 2, 2012, the City Council approved the
<br />resolution establishing the composition of the Citizens Oversight Committee. Staff subsequently advertised for applications using the approved criteria. Measure Z Recruitment Overview
<br />Eleven candidates submitted applications by the June 13, 2012 deadline; three applicants submitted after the deadline. Of the eleven qualified applicants, four of the five City Council-approved
<br />qualifications were met. The one missing qualification was a Retail Representative of the Downtown Business Association. The fifth committee member could be chosen by the Council
<br />from the remaining seven applicants. The Council may also choose to adopt a resolutionn limiting the Committee to four members. These alternatives would satisfy the ballot language
<br />that simply stated, sales tax[would be] reviewed by a citizens oversight committee. On July 6, 2012, the City Council Finance Committee recommended four qualified candidates: 1. Representative
<br />of the Chamber of Commerce - David Grodin 2. Officer from a HOA or Neighborhood Association- Geraldine Mellen 3. City Board or Commission Member - Esther Collier 4. Owner or Manager
<br />of a business located in San Leandro - Corina Lopez 5. Retail DBA member - none The other seven applicants who were not chosen by the Finance Committee are 1. Ed Hernandez-Board and
<br />Commission (Planning Commission) 2. Christine Wise-business owner 3. George Tucker-HOA (Bay-O-Vista) 4. Cimberly Tamura- Board and Commission (Senior Commission) 5. Arlene Lum- Board
<br />and Commission (Library-Historical Commission) 6. Philip Daly- Board and Commission (Board of Zoning Adjustments) 7. Robert Engelhart-HOA (Bay-O-Vista) Previous City Council Actions
<br />OOn April 2, 2012, the City Council approved the qualifications and the scope of work for the Citizens Oversight Committee related to Measure Z. City Council Committee Review and Action
<br />The City Council Finance Committee reviewed and recommended applicants for City Council approval on July 6, 2012. City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 8/28/2012
<br />File Number: 12-402 PREPARED BY: David Baum, Finance Director, Finance Department City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 8/28/2012
<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: September 4, 2012 Resolution - Council File Number: 12-403 Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS Agenda Number: TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: David Baum Finance Director FINANCE REVIEW: Not Applicable TITLE: ADOPT: Resolution Approving Appointments to the City of San Leandros