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File Number: 12-574 <br />of grant funding and the loss of Redevelopment funds it is necessary to increase revenue by <br />increasing the BID rates. <br />Per the approved Ordinance, the BID may be increased annually by the Consumer Price <br />Index (CPI). This Fiscal Year’s CPI factor is 2.6 percent which would result in the BID Base <br />Rate increasing from $25.35 to 26.01, and the BID Rate per Employee increasing from $11.03 <br />to $11.32. Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and non-profits would remain <br />exempt from the BID. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Ordinance No. 2004-013, adopted June 21, 2004, amending Title 2 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code to add a new Chapter 15 establishing the West San <br />Leandro Business Improvement District <br />·Resolution No. 2004-153, adopted October 4, 2004, forming the West San Leandro <br />Shuttle Business Improvement District Advisory Board <br />·Ordinance No. 2004-021, adopted October 18, 2004, specifying the time and <br />manner of collecting the West San Leandro Shuttle BID assessments <br />·Resolution No. 2008-130, adopted October 20, 2008, amending Resolution No. 2004 <br />-153, modifying the membership of the West San Leandro Shuttle Business <br />Improvement District Advisory Board <br />·Resolution No. 2009-014, adopted February 2, 2009, approving a Resolution of <br />Intention to re-form the West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District <br />·Ordinance No. 2009-002, adopted April 6, 2009, amending Title 2 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code to add a new Chapter 15 re-establishing the West San <br />Leandro Business Improvement District <br />·Resolution No. 2010-008 RDA, adopted September 20, 2010, the Redevelopment <br />·Agency of the City of San Leandro 2010-2014 Implementation Plan. The West San <br />Leandro-MacArthur Boulevard Project Area identifies the maintenance of LINKS as <br />Economic Development Priority Program <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal 15.03 of the General Plan specifically encourages the use of shuttle buses as a viable <br />alternative to driving and Action 15.03-A urges continuation of public /private partnerships to <br />provide shuttle services and the pursuit of grant funding opportunities for such activities <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />None <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Joann Oliver, Recreation and Human Services Manager, Recreation and Human Services <br />Department <br />Cynthia Battenberg, Business Development Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/11/2012