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wages, and terms and conditions of employment as they exist on the effective date of this <br /> Agreement, and as they may from time to time, be amended or superseded. True and <br /> correct copies of such MOU's are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference <br /> and marked Appendix 3. <br /> n. "County MOU" means the Memoranda of Understanding between . - <br /> the County and the International Association of Firefighters Local 1428 relating to <br /> hours, wages, and terms and conditions of employment as they exist on the effective date <br /> of this Agreement, and as they may from time to time, be amended or superseded. True <br /> and correct copies of such MOU's are attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br /> reference and marked Appendix 1. <br /> o. "Deputy Chief' shall mean an individual who ranks next to the Chief <br /> in authority and exercises the powers of the Chief in his absence, and is responsible for <br /> all activities delegated and assigned to his command by the Fire Chief. <br /> p. "Fire Chief' means the chief executive officer of the Alameda County <br /> Fire Department. <br /> q. "Fire Battalion Chief' means an individual who supervises a battalion <br /> for the ACFD. <br /> r. "Fiscal Year" means the annual period commencing on July 1 and. <br /> ending June 30. <br /> FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY <br /> MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 4 of 21 <br /> - - - 8 <br />