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File Number: 12-549 <br />Previous Actions <br />·On June 4, 2012, by Resolution No. 2012-058, the City Council approved the plans and <br />specifications and called for bids for the Annual Street Sealing 2011-12 project. <br />·On September 4, 2012, by Resolution No. 2012-099, the City Council rejected the bids <br />received on June 28, 2012 for the Annual Street Sealing 2011-12 project. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />The streets selected for treatment were recommended for approval by the City Council <br />Facilities and Transportation Committee at its meeting on October 10, 2012. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />This action is consistent with Streets and Highways Goal No. 16 of the General Plan and <br />Action Item 16.03: Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that <br />streets operate safely and efficiently . <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />·The total project cost, including both the work on these plans and the asphalt rubber street <br />sealing seal work on a separate set of plans, is $2,344,000. <br />·The estimated construction cost for the non-rubberized street sealing work is $794,000 <br />(base bid). <br />·The estimated construction cost for the rubberized street sealing work, to be done under a <br />separate contract, is $1,139,000 (base bid). <br />Budget Authority <br />The amount of work to be awarded will be equal to or less than a construction funding amount <br />to be publicly announced at the bid opening prior to opening of the first bid per procedures <br />prescribed in the California Public Contract Code. It is estimated that there will be adequate <br />funding for the base bid. Additive bid items will be incorporated into the contract only if <br />funding is available. <br />Funding allocations for both street sealing projects are as follows: <br />1)$720,779.14 - Measure B Streets & Roads Funds, Annual Street Sealing 2011-12, <br />Account No. 144-38-332, allocated in FY 2011-12, with $288,311.66 to be used towards <br />the Annual Street Sealing 2012-13 Project. <br />2) $620,690.00 - Gas Tax Funds, Annual Street Sealing 2011-12, Account No. 142-38-332, <br />allocated in FY 2011-12, with $248,276.00 to be used towards the Annual Street Sealing <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/15/2013