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Pavement Condition Index (PCI) <br />vs. Unfunded Backlog <br />13 <br />•PCI is an indicator of how one street’s condition <br />compares to another <br />•Unfunded backlog represents the funds required to <br />raise all street segments to a target PCI <br />•PCI average does not provide a good picture of <br />unfunded backlog <br />•Example: 3 streets each 500 feet long and 50 feet wide <br />–All 3 streets have a PCI of 70, so average PCI = 70; <br />recommended treatment costs of $75,000 <br />–The same 3 streets with PCIs of 25, 90 and 95 have the <br />same PCI average of 70; recommended treatment costs of <br />$142,500