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beginning any model runs. This process includes checking network connectivity and data <br /> completeness and reasonableness for apparent discrepancies(e.g., negative pipe slopes, outlet <br /> pipe invert elevations higher than inlet invert elevations etc.). Missing or suspect data will be <br /> resolved to the extent possible through review of available record drawings or field verification. <br /> The source of all new or updated data in the model will be documented directly in the model <br /> database using InfoWorks"flags"and notes. <br /> • Delineate Subbasins and Populate Model. RMC will review and refine(further subdivide)the <br /> previous model subcatchment(subbasin) boundaries and assign the model loads and flow factors <br /> developed as part of Subtask 4.2 to the subcatchments. <br /> Subtask 4.2 Develop Model Loads and Preliminary Flow Factors <br /> This subtask includes the following activities: <br /> • Estimates of Existing Wastewater Flows. RMC will review existing parcel, customer billing and <br /> water use data, land use type, number and type of dwelling units, etc. that are collected under Task <br /> 2 to determine the best approach for using this data to estimate existing base wastewater flows. <br /> The exact methodology to be used to develop model loadings will depend on the format and <br /> completeness of available parcel-based data; however, it is anticipated that EBMUD water use <br /> records will be the primary source of data for developing model loads. If sufficient data is not <br /> available to generate loadings on a parcel basis, then 2010 census data at the block level may be <br /> used for this purpose. Commercial, industrial, and/or institutional users which may contribute <br /> significantly greater unit flows than average shall be identified and investigated individually through <br /> discussions with City staff. <br /> • Estimates of Future Wastewater Flows. RMC will review the City's General Plan,TOD Strategy <br /> gY <br /> and 2010 downtown/BART TOD infrastructure study, and other relevant planning documents, and <br /> Y p g <br /> will coordinate with the City Planning Department staff to discuss specific planning issues and <br /> potential growth or redevelopment areas in the City. Using this information, estimates of future <br /> wastewater flows based on the type,density, and location of projected future development and <br /> redevelopment areas will be developed for a 30-year planning horizon as specified by the City. To <br /> the extent that the information is available,these estimates will be compiled at the parcel level to <br /> maximize the accuracy of the data. The projected timing of any growth/redevelopment will also be <br /> discussed to provide input on potential phasing of collection system improvement projects <br /> identified as part of the Master Plan. <br /> • Preliminary Design Flow Criteria. RMC will develop the design criteria to be used to estimate <br /> wastewater flows, including unit base wastewater flow factors for residential and non-residential <br /> land uses; diurnal base wastewater flow patterns; and infiltration/inflow parameters. These criteria <br /> will be developed based on the flow monitoring data from Task 3 plus RMC's experience with <br /> similar Bay Area systems. These criteria will be verified/refined through the model calibration <br /> process under Subtask 4.3. <br /> Subtask 4.3 Calibrate Model <br /> • Calibrate Model. RMC will run the model under existing conditions and compare the computed dry <br /> weather and wet weather flow hydrographs to observed flow monitoring data and pump station and <br /> treatment plant SCADA data. Modeling parameters such as unit flow rates, diurnal curves, and Ill <br /> factors will be adjusted as needed to achieve a reasonable match for modeled to metered flows. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between <br /> City of San Leandro and RMC Water and Environment—Exhibit A Page 4 of 9 <br />