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File Number: 12-611 <br />Pedestrian Master Plan. Staff is also in the process of preparing an updated ADA Transition <br />Plan for future adoption. <br />Future Complete Streets Policy Requirements <br />The California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (Assembly Bill 1358), which took effect in <br />January 2011, requires cities and counties to include complete streets policies as part of their <br />general plan. This must be done at the time that any substantive revisions of the circulation <br />element in the general plan are made. The State Office of Planning and Research has <br />developed guidance for local agencies to comply with the law. <br />To be eligible for future transportation funding cycles , MTC’s Resolution 4035 requires that <br />local jurisdictions must have updated their general plans to comply with the State’s Complete <br />Streets Act by October 31, 2014. San Leandro’s MPFA with Alameda CTC also requires that <br />it comply with the State act, but there is no deadline for this action. <br />Analysis <br />Staff has developed a Complete Streets policy resolution that meets the Alameda CTC and <br />MTC requirements. The policy includes the following 10 elements: 1) Vision; 2) All Users and <br />Modes; 3) All Project/Phases; 4) Exceptions; 5) Network/Connectivity; 6) Jurisdiction; 7) <br />Design; 8) Context Sensitivity; 9) Performance Measures; and 10) Implementation Next <br />Steps. The following list provides a description of the policy elements included in the <br />resolution: <br />1.Vision: A clear and strong vision for Complete Streets based on City needs and goals . <br />The vision must include that all transportation improvements will be planned, funded, <br />designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users, <br />appropriate to the function and context of the facility. <br />2.All Users and Modes: All users (referenced above) will include pedestrians, bicyclists, <br />persons with disabilities, seniors, children, motorists, movers of commercial goods, <br />users and operators of public transportation, and emergency responders. <br />3.All Projects/Phases: The policy applies to all roadway projects including those <br />involving new construction, reconstruction, retrofits, repaving, rehabilitation, or <br />expansion of existing roadways, as well as those that involve new privately built roads <br />and easements intended for public use. <br />4.Exceptions: The City must prepare a process for approving exceptions, including who <br />is allowed to sign off on exceptions . Written findings for exceptions must be included in <br />a memorandum, signed off by a high level staff person , such as the Engineering and <br />Transportation Director or senior -level designee, and made publicly available. <br />Exceptions must explain why accommodations for all users and modes were not <br />included in the plan or project. <br />5.Network/Connectivity: The transportation system should provide a comprehensive, <br />integrated, and connected network of facilities for all modes of travel. A well-connected <br />network should include non-motorized connectivity to schools, transit, parks, <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/30/2013