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File Number: 12-612 <br />reductions through coordinated regional planning that integrates transportation, housing, and <br />land-use policy, and achieving the goals of these laws will require significant increases in <br />travel by public transit, bicycling, and walking; and <br />WHEREAS, numerous California counties, cities, and agencies have adopted Complete <br />Streets policies and legislation in order to further the health, safety, welfare, economic vitality, <br />and environmental well-being of their communities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission , through its One Bay Area Grant <br />(OBAG) program, described in Resolution 4035, requires to be eligible for OBAG funds all <br />jurisdictions need to address complete streets policies at the local level through the adoption <br />of a complete streets policy resolution or through a general plan that complies with the <br />California Complete Streets Act of 2008; and <br />WHEREAS, the Alameda County Transportation Commission , through its Master Program <br />Funding Agreements with local jurisdictions , requires that all jurisdictions must have an <br />adopted complete streets policy, which should include the “Elements of an Ideal Complete <br />Streets Policy” developed by the National Complete Streets Coalition, in order to receive <br />Measure B pass-through and Vehicle Registration Fee funding ; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro therefore, in light of the foregoing benefits and <br />considerations, wishes to improve its commitment to Complete Streets and desires that its <br />streets form a comprehensive and integrated transportation network promoting safe and <br />convenient travel for all users while preserving flexibility, recognizing community context, and <br />using design guidelines and standards that support best practices. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of San Leandro, <br />State of California, as follows: <br />1. That the City of San Leandro adopts the Complete Streets Policy attached hereto as <br />Exhibit A, and made part of this Resolution, and that said exhibit is hereby approved and <br />adopted; <br />2. That the next substantial revision of the City of San Leandro General Plan circulation <br />element will incorporate Complete Streets policies and principles consistent with the California <br />Complete Streets Act of 2008 (AB 1358) and with the Complete Streets Policy adopted by this <br />resolution. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/30/2013