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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, COUNTY OF <br /> ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Parcel 1: <br /> Beginning at a point on the Southwestern line of Preda Street,as said street existed on February 20, 1945(33 <br /> feet wide), distant thereon North 27° 54' West 66.25 feet from the direct production Northeasterly of the <br /> Northwestern line of Tract 701, filed February 21, 1945, Alameda County Records, Map Book 9, Page 73; <br /> thence along said line of Preda Street North 27°54'West 48.95 feet;thence South 72°30'30"West 108.09 <br /> feet;thence South 17°29' 30" East 48.14 feet until intersected by a line drawn South 72°30'30"West from <br /> the point of beginning; thence along the line so drawn North 72° 30' 30" East 116.93 feet to the point of <br /> beginning. <br /> Parcel 2: <br /> Beginning at a point on the Southwestern line of Preda Street,as said street existed on February 20,1945(33 <br /> feet wide) distant thereon North 27° 54' West 115.20 feet from the direct production Northeasterly of the <br /> Northwestern line of Tract 7 1 filed February 2 <br /> e v ct 0 , ed ebruary 1, 1945, Alameda County Records, Map Book 9, Page 73; <br /> thence South 72°30'30"West 108.09 feet to the actual point of commencement;thence continuing South 72° <br /> 30' 30"West 31.91 feet;thence North 27°54'West 50.00 feet to a point on a line drawn South 72°30'30" <br /> West from a point on the said Southwestern line of Preda Street, distant thereon North 27°54'West 165.20 <br /> feet from the said direct production Northeasterly of the said Northwestern line of Tract 701;thence along the <br /> said last mentioned line so drawn South 72° 30' 30" West 149.44 feet, more or less, to a point on the <br /> Northeastern boundary line'Tract 636"filed May 19, 1942, Map Book 12, Page 7;thence along the said last <br /> mentioned line South 27°55'07"East 98.96 feet to a point on the Southeastern boundary line of that certain <br /> parcel of land described in Deed from Joseph 0. Bellini and wife, to Victor Lindstrom and wife, dated <br /> September 22, 1952 and recorded October 30, 1952,Series No.AG/89693,Alameda County Records;thence <br /> along the said last mentioned line North 72°30'30"East 172.48 feet,more or less,until intersected by a line <br /> drawn South 17°29'30"East from the actual point of commencement;thence along the line so drawn North <br /> 17° 29' 30"West 48.14 feet to the actual point of commencement. <br /> APN: 075-0121-003-03 <br />