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January 26, 2013City Council Draft Minutes <br />City Council Agenda Process7.C. <br />Mr. Zapata pointed out that due to the suspension of the Council Committees and <br />reduction of staff, managing the items on City Council agendas becomes more <br />critical. To formalize the process by which Councilmembers request items for <br />consideration, Mr. Zapata proposed adding a new section to the Council agenda, <br />during which Councilmembers can request that items be placed on a future agenda. <br />Item 8--Public Comments was taken earlier in the agenda. <br />Wrap Up and Next Steps9. <br />Ms. Barton thanked the Council for their participation. She will prepare a report <br />summarizing today's session, which will be completed by mid-February. <br />Adjournment10. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 1:41 p.m. <br />Page 3City of San Leandro Printed on 2/11/2013