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<br />December 21, 2009 Section 1: Introduction <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />1.2 San Leandro’s Climate Action Plan Process <br />The road to a clean energy future will not be achieved overnight, but rather though incremental <br />steps that are feasible and pragmatic while still balancing the ―triple bottom line‖: economic <br />stability, social equality, and environmental health. This is why the City of San Leandro has <br />taken this important step to develop this Climate Action Plan: a Vision of a Sustainable San <br />Leandro. <br />The City of San Leandro‘s climate strategy is based on the Local Governments for Sustainability <br />(ICLEI) 5-Milestone process: <br />1. Conduct an inventory of city-wide greenhouse gas emissions <br />2. Set a reduction target/goal <br />3. Establish a Climate Action Plan <br />4. Implement a Climate Action Plan <br />5. Monitor and evaluate progress <br />The City has completed Milestone 1 in 2005, conducting an emissions inventory for both <br />community-wide emissions and emissions from municipal operations. In June 2006, the City <br />completed Milestone 2 by adopting a resolution to reduce community wide emissions by 25 <br />percent below 2005 levels by 2020. This document represents the third Milestone: the Climate <br />Action Plan. <br />To date, the City has already taken actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The City <br />joined 1,000 other U.S. cities, signing the U.S. Mayor‘s Climate Protection Commitment. The <br />City has also joined the Alameda County Climate Protection Project sponsored by <br />Stopwaste.Org. The City has assembled a Climate Protection Task Force that brings all city <br />departments together to develop climate solutions. Specific climate actions taken to date <br />include the nationally recognized Smart Growth land use plans such as the downtown Transit- <br />Oriented Development Strategy; a Green Building Ordinance for municipal buildings; a <br />Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance; increased recycling and composting <br />programs for residents; installation of LED traffic signals; engagement as a member of the East <br />Bay Green Corridor; and much more. These and other actions the City has taken are described <br />in detail in the body of this Climate Action Plan.