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<br />December 21, 2009 Section 1: Introduction <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 5 <br />1.3 Climate Action Plan Report <br />The vision of the Climate Action Plan is to guide the City of San Leandro towards a sustainable <br />future that reduces greenhouse gas emissions from current levels, while promoting economic <br />prosperity for present and future generations. This report was developed in close collaboration <br />with the San Leandro Climate Protection Task Force, which is comprised of staff <br />representatives from a cross-section of City departments. <br />The public input process is an important component to ensure that community stakeholders <br />have a voice in developing the climate action plan. The City of San Leandro has conducted <br />significant public outreach to educate community groups on climate protection issues, as well as <br />to gather comments from the public. Public outreach began through a public speaking tour with <br />a presentation on the City‘s Climate Protection Project for the city homeowner associations and <br />business organizations. In May and June 2009, a web-based survey was distributed to <br />community members at these meetings, at the Cherry Festival and on the City website through <br />December 2009. The results of these comments and feedback were incorporated into the <br />Climate Action Plan goals and potential actions. See Appendix B for a summary of results. <br />The Climate Action Plan seeks to both document the various programs San Leandro has <br />accomplished since 2005, as well as consider new programs and actions that may be <br />implemented to meet the City‘s greenhouse gas reduction target of 25 percent below 2005 <br />emissions levels by 2020. This document outlines both the City‘s successes to date in <br />promoting environmental responsibility and provides a blueprint for continued sustainability. <br />This Climate Action Plan report is organized as follows. Results of the municipal and <br />community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory are presented in Section 2. Sections 3, 4, 5 <br />and 6 discuss each emissions category: Building Energy, Transportation and Land Use, Waste, <br />and Municipal Operations. These sections describe how each category contributes to San <br />Leandro‘s GHG inventory and present the City‘s overarching goals and potential actions for <br />reducing emissions. <br />Section 7 is the ―Implementation‖ chapter. In this section, we look at 25 actions in depth and <br />discuss the costs and benefits of each. Guidance on near-term, mid-term and long-term <br />implementation strategies are also included. These measures were chosen based on the <br />―SMART‖ test, such that they were Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Trackable. <br />Section 8 provides an overview of available funding sources to determine appropriate potential <br />funding opportunities and funding levels to support existing and new programs outlined in this <br />plan.