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<br />December 21, 2009 Section 2: Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecast <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 7 <br />2. Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecast <br />In 2008, a comprehensive community-wide inventory was developed by Local Governments for <br />Sustainability (ICLEI) to establish the context within which to assess GHG emission reduction <br />opportunities in the City of San Leandro. The inventory provides an important foundation for the <br />Climate Action Plan, providing the 2005 baseline against which progress toward the City goal of <br />reducing greenhouse emissions 25 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 can be measured. The <br />inventory includes a business-as-usual forecast of greenhouse gas emissions for the year 2020, <br />which enables the City to estimate the amount of emissions reductions needed to meet their <br />goal. <br />ICLEI‘s Cities for Climate Protection methodology for emissions inventories enables local <br />governments to systematically estimate and track greenhouse gas emissions at the community- <br />wide scale and those resulting directly from municipal operations. The greenhouse gas <br />inventory results outlined in this chapter are adapted from ICLEI‘s ―City of San Leandro Baseline <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report‖ from June 2008. <br />2.1 Inventory Sources and Data Collection Process <br />An inventory of greenhouse gas emissions requires the collection of information from a variety <br />of sectors and sources. As outlined in the ICLEI report, the community electricity and natural <br />gas data was collected from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) company. The transportation <br />related emissions were estimated from data sourced from The Metropolitan Transportation <br />Commission (MTC), CalTrans, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), and Bay <br />Area Rapid Transit (BART). Solid waste data was gathered from the California Integrated <br />Waste Management Board Disposal Reporting System5. <br />The community inventory represents all the energy used and waste produced within the City of <br />San Leandro and its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. The municipal inventory is a <br />subset of the community inventory, and includes emission derived from internal government <br />operations. <br />There are two main reasons for completing separate emissions inventories for community and <br />municipal operations. First, the City is committed to action on climate change, and has a higher <br />degree of control to achieve reductions in its own municipal emissions than those created by the <br />community at large. Second, by proactively reducing emissions generated by its own activities, <br /> <br />5