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<br />December 21, 2009 Section 2: Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecast <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 8 <br />the San Leandro government takes a visible leadership role in the effort to address climate <br />change. This is important for inspiring local action in San Leandro as well as for inspiring other <br />communities. <br />The City of San Leandro‘s inventory is based on the year 2005. When calculating San <br />Leandro‘s emissions inventory, all energy consumed within the city limits was included with the <br />exception of electricity and natural gas consumption in County-owned facilities. This means that, <br />even though the electricity used by San Leandro‘s residents is produced elsewhere, the energy <br />and emissions associated with it appear in San Leandro‘s inventory. The decision to calculate <br />emissions in this manner reflects the general philosophy that a community should take full <br />ownership of the impacts associated with its energy consumption, regardless of whether the <br />generation occurs within the geographical limits of the community. <br />2.2 San Leandro Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory <br />In the base year 2005, the City of San Leandro emitted approximately 957,169 metric tons of <br />carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) from the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, <br />waste and municipal sectors.6 Burning fossil fuels in vehicles and for energy use in buildings <br />and facilities is the largest contributor to San Leandro‘s greenhouse gas emissions. Table 1 <br />provides a summary of total city-wide (i.e. community and municipal) GHG emissions. <br />Table 1. San Leandro City-wide Emissions Summary (2005) <br />Emissions Sources Equiv CO2e (tons) <br />Buildings - Residential 114,339 <br />Buildings - Commercial/Industrial 228,386 <br />Transportation – Highway 421,665 <br />Transportation – Local roads 155,958 <br />Waste 28,956 <br />Municipal Operations 7,866 <br />TOTAL 957,169 <br />Source: ICLEI CACP Model output <br /> <br />6 Carbon dioxide equivalent is a unit of measure that normalizes the varying climate warming potencies of all six <br />greenhouse gas emissions, which are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons <br />(HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). For example, one metric ton of methane is <br />equivalent to 21 metric tons of CO2e. 1 metric ton of nitrous oxide is 210 metric tons of CO2e.