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February 19, 2013City Council Draft Minutes <br />8.C.13-062 ADOPT: Resolution Supporting Assembly Bill 59, The School Funding <br />Protection Act of 2013 (supports proposed legislation clarifying that <br />existing law authorizes school districts to assess parcel taxes in <br />accordance with uniform property classifications) <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: Reso 2013-021 <br />8.D.13-049 Staff Report for Resolution of the Successor Agency to the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro Approving a <br />Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for July through December <br />2013 for Enforceable Obligations of the Former Redevelopment <br />Agency Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177 <br />13-048 ADOPT: Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment <br />Agency of the City of San Leandro Adopting a Recognized Obligation <br />Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the Period July 1 - December 31, <br />2013, Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(L) <br />(approves the six month payment schedule detailing the obligations of <br />the former Redevelopment Agency ) <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: Reso 2013-002 SA <br />8.E.13-020 Staff Report for a Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with <br />PG&E for a Portion of City Property Located at 454 Warden Avenue, a <br />Strip of Land that Serves as an Access to the Area Underneath I -880 <br />and as an Emergency Access Road for the Davis West Neighborhood <br />This item was removed from consideration and will be rescheduled for a future <br />meeting. <br />13-019 ADOPT: Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with PG &E <br />for a Portion of City Property Located at 454 Warden Avenue, a Strip <br />of Land that Serves as an Access to the Area Underneath I -880 and <br />as an Emergency Access Road for the Davis West Neighborhood <br />(grants PG&E a 1,000 square foot easement for Facilities PG&E <br />Requires for the Distribution of Electricity and Communications) <br />This item was removed from consideration and will be rescheduled for a future <br />meeting. <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR9. <br />None. <br />ACTION ITEMS10. <br />10.A.13-030 ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2013-001, an Ordinance Rezoning Certain <br />Properties Herein Described as to Zoning District and Amending <br />Page 3City of San Leandro Printed on 2/25/2013