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m. to adopt, as authorized by law, ordinances or resolutions necessary to <br />carry out the purposes of this Agreement; <br />n. to issue bonds, subject to the provisions and limitations of the Government <br />Code of the State of California; <br />o. to adopt annually a budget setting forth all administrative, operational and <br />capital expenses for the Authority, together with the apportionment of such expenses by levy <br />against each agency to the extent necessary; <br />p. to act by and on behalf of Alameda County for the purposes of <br />Government Code section 66780.8 and Health and Safety Code sections 25135 through <br />25135.8 as those sections exist or as they may be amended from time to time in order to seek <br />state funding to defray the cost of preparing, adopting, amending, administering and <br />enforcing the Alameda County Hazardous Waste Management Plan; <br />q. to determine the representation and membership of the Hazardous Waste <br />Management Advisory Committee established pursuant to Health and Safety Code section <br />25135.2 as that section exists or as it may be amended from time to time. In this regard, the <br />Agencies agree that the advisory committee shall consist of a maximum of 12 members, <br />including at least one representative of industry, one representative of an environmental <br />organization, one representative of the public, and at least three members of the governing <br />boards of the Agencies selected by the City Selection Committee. Other members may be <br />drawn from the fields of education, small and large industry, the Alameda County <br />Environmental Health Department, Wastewater treatment and management, air quality <br />management, fire and/or hazardous materials response. <br />r. to recommend, adopt and amend the Alameda County Hazardous Waste <br />Management Plan to the extent allowed by law. <br />s. to establish or designate the Local Enforcement Agency for Alameda <br />County, including the cities within the County, except for the City of Berkeley. <br />t. to coordinate programs of mutual interest and provide administrative <br />assistance with other organizations involved in related programs, such as Joint Refuse Rate <br />Review Committee. <br /> <br />6. BOUNDARIES <br />The boundaries of the Authority shall be the boundaries of the County of Alameda. <br /> <br />7. ORGANIZATION <br />a. Board <br />The Authority shall be governed by the Board which shall exercise all powers and <br />authority on behalf of the Authority. <br />The Board is empowered to establish its own procedures. The Board may do any and <br />all things necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. <br /> <br />b. Members <br />The Board shall consist of one member of the governing body of each of the <br />Agencies. Upon execution of this Agreement, the governing body of each Agency shall by <br />resolution or other appropriate action appoint one of its members to serve as a member and <br />one of it members to serve as an alternate member of the Board after his or her appointment <br />until a successor is selected. Each member and alternate shall serve at the pleasure of the <br />governing body of the appointing agency. Any change in appointment of a member or <br />alternate shall be by resolution of the governing body of the appointing agency. <br /> <br /> <br />Attachment 3