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Reso 2013-029
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2013-029
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3/12/2013 3:53:14 PM
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3/11/2013 4:33:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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vii <br />Parking Authority, the San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and the San Leandro Economic <br />Development Agency. <br /> <br />The CAFR for the year ending June 30, 2012 provides a financial account of those activities, <br />organizational elements, and City functions for which the City Council provides policy direction and <br />general oversight. It presents financial information on the activities of the City itself and the <br />component units of the City upon which the City Council is authorized to impose its will. The <br />operating nature of the City’s component units determines how they are reported in the financial <br />statements. The activities of component units that provide financial benefit or create financial burden <br />for the City are blended within the City’s general financial statements. Component units that have no <br />discernable financial impact upon the City are presented separately. <br /> <br /> <br />ECONOMIC CONDITION OF THE CITY <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro has a diverse and strong economy, with its business community comprised <br />of varied businesses ranging from neighborhood coffee houses and fine restaurants, large food <br />processing centers, and regional shopping opportunities, to cutting edge technology. While the <br />economic base has dramatically changed from its agricultural early years, San Leandro continues to <br />expand on its sound business base with the ongoing development of such projects as a new <br />downtown parking structure, a multi-family housing development, a new regional hospital, and the <br />continuing revitalization of downtown San Leandro. <br /> <br />The recession resulting from the global financial and credit market meltdown in late 2008 has had a <br />direct and dramatic impact on the City’s local revenues. While there are some signs of an economic <br />recovery, median home prices are still $320,000, 39% less than the median price at the 2006 peak. <br />The unemployment rate is still higher than 8%, well above average unemployment of the past <br />decade. <br /> <br />The City’s General Fund supports many of the City’s key services, such as public safety, library and <br />parks and recreation. Revenue to this critical fund, generated largely from sales and property taxes, <br />has shrunk. As consumers and businesses cut back on spending in response to the recession, less <br />revenue is generated for the City. For example, in 2006-07 the City’s General Fund collected <br />approximately $23.4 million in sales tax revenue. This amount fell to $19 million in 2008-09, and <br />continued its decline in 2009-10 to $17 million, a reduction in sales tax revenue in the last five years <br />of 18%. With the passage of Measure Z (0.25% sales tax increase) effective January 1, 2011, sales <br />tax revenue improved by 11% from the prior fiscal year to a total of $24.1. <br /> <br />Similarly, property tax revenue which generally shows positive growth is displaying the effect of the <br />poor economy. Fiscal year 2011-12 ended with a 16% reduction in Property Tax revenues, largely <br />attributed to the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency as of February 1, 2012 wherein property <br />taxes were withheld by the State of California and are no longer revenue to the City. As assessed <br />valuation in property value continues to decline in San Leandro as well as other cities in California, <br />the property tax revenue is no longer the top revenue generator. While these revenues remained <br />relatively stable during the recession, the nature of the assessment valuation and appeals process <br />caused these revenues to lag the economy by a couple of years.
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