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<br />File: San Leandro Public Library GC#300521 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Customer Initial and Date: dl.initialhere.1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Confidential <br /> <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br />CLAIM BY CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES UNDER THE <br />MASTER AGREEMENT, EXCLUDING LIABILITY PURSUANT TO <br />SECTION 6 (Indemnification), WILL BE LIMITED TO THE FEES PAID <br />BY CUSTOMER DURING THE PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS FOR THE <br />PRODUCT WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE CLAIM. <br />8.2 IN NO EVENT WILL SIRSIDYNIX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER <br />FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY <br />PUNITIVE, TREBLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, <br />WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF BUSINESS, REVENUE, PROFITS, <br />STAFF TIME, GOODWILL, USE, DATA, OR OTHER ECONOMIC <br />ADVANTAGE), WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, <br />BREACH OF WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), <br />PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT <br />SIRSIDYNIX HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN ADVISED OF THE <br />POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. <br />8.3 NO CLAIM ARISING OUT OF THE MASTER AGREEMENT, <br />REGARDLESS OF FORM, MAY BE BROUGHT BY CUSTOMER <br />MORE THAN TWO YEARS AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION <br />ARISES. <br />8.4 THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE IN <br />LIEU OF, AND SIRSIDYNIX, ITS LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS <br />EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED <br />BY LAW, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL <br />OR WRITTEN, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, (i) ANY <br />WARRANTY THAT ANY PRODUCT IS ERROR-FREE OR WILL <br />OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR THAT ALL ERRORS WILL <br />BE CORRECTED; (ii) ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF <br />MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, <br />AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, (iii) ANY WARRANTY THAT CONTENT <br />OR THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE WILL BE ACCURATE, RELIABLE <br />AND ERROR-FREE AND (iv) ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES <br />ARISING FROM STATUTE, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF <br />PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. NO ADVICE, STATEMENT <br />OR INFORMATION GIVEN BY SIRSIDYNIX, ITS AFFILIATES, <br />CONTRACTORS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE OR CHANGE <br />ANY WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREIN. <br />9. TERM AND TERMINATION <br />9.1 Term. Subject to Section 10.11 below, the term of this Master <br />Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in <br />full force and effect until the termination of all obligations of either party <br />for all Products purchased, unless otherwise terminated earlier as <br />provided hereunder. <br />9.2.1 Termination. Either party may terminate the Master <br />Agreement immediately upon written notice if the other party commits <br />a non-remediable material breach of the Master Agreement or any <br />EULAs, or if the other party fails to cure any remediable material <br />breach or provide a written plan of cure acceptable to the non- <br />breaching party within 30 days of being notified in writing of such <br />breach. Where the non-breaching party has a right to terminate the <br />Agreement, the non-breaching party may at its discretion terminate the <br />Agreement in whole or part. 9.2.2 Following termination of the Master <br />Agreement, Customer agrees to certify that it has returned or <br />destroyed all copies of the applicable Software, Documentation and <br />Confidential Information and acknowledges that its rights to use the <br />same are relinquished. <br />10. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />10.1 Force Majeure. The parties will exercise every reasonable <br />effort to meet their respective obligations hereunder but shall not be <br />liable for delays resulting from force majeure or other causes beyond <br />their reasonable control, including but not limited to power outages or <br />failure of third party service providers. This provision does not relieve <br />Customer of its obligation to make payments then owing. <br />10.2 Assignment. SirsiDynix may assign the Agreement and all of <br />its rights and obligations herein without Customer’s approval to its <br />parent company or other affiliated company, to a successor by <br />operation of law, or by reason of the sale or transfer of all or <br />substantially all of its stock or assets to another entity. Neither party <br />may otherwise assign or transfer the Agreement without the prior <br />written consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonably <br />withheld. Notwithstanding the above, SirsiDynix may fulfill its <br />obligations hereunder through its affiliated companies. <br />10.3 Cooperation. Customer agrees to provide cooperation, which <br />means assistance, information, equipment, data, a suitable work <br />environment, timely access, and resources reasonably necessary to <br />enable SirsiDynix to perform any and all installation, implementation, <br />and services required to fulfill this Master Agreement including but not <br />limited to ensuring SirsiDynix has remote access. Failure to grant such <br />cooperation shall allow SirsiDynix to deem the Product purchased by <br />Customer to be fully accepted and delivered. In the event any delay in <br />implementing Products is caused by Customer resulting in SirsiDynix <br />incurring additional expenses, the Customer shall pay to SirsiDynix the <br />amount of such additional expenses. <br />10.4 Notice of U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If the <br />Customer hereunder is the U.S. Government, or if the Software is <br />acquired hereunder on behalf of the US Government with U.S. <br />Government federal funding, notice is hereby given that the Software is <br />commercial computer software and documentation developed <br />exclusively at private expense and is furnished as follows: “U.S. <br />GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Software delivered subject to <br />the FAR 52.227-19. All use, duplication and disclosure of the Software <br />by or on behalf of the U.S. Government shall be subject to this <br />Agreement and the restrictions contained in subsection (c) of FAR <br />52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June <br />1987)”. <br />10.5 Export. Customer shall comply fully with all relevant export <br />laws and regulations of the United States to ensure that the Software is <br />not exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of United States law. <br />10.6 Non-solicitation. During the term of this Master Agreement <br />and for a period of one year following its termination, neither party will <br />solicit for employment directly or through other parties, without the <br />other party’s written permission, any individual employed by the other <br />party, provided however that the hiring of individuals responding to <br />general public marketing and recruiting advertisements and events <br />shall not be a violation of this provision; only active, targeted <br />solicitation is prohibited. <br />10.7 Compliance. During the term of this Master Agreement for a <br />period of one year following its termination, SirsiDynix shall have the <br />right to verify Customer’s full compliance with the terms and <br />requirements of the Master Agreement. If such verification process <br />reveals any noncompliance by Customer with the Master Agreement, <br />Customer shall reimburse SirsiDynix for the reasonable costs and <br />expenses of such verification process incurred by SirsiDynix (including <br />but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) , and Customer shall <br />promptly cure any such noncompliance; provided, however, that the <br />obligations under this section do not constitute a waiver of SirsiDynix’s <br />termination rights and do not affect SirsiDynix’s right to payment for <br />Software, Maintenance, Subscription and interest fees related to usage <br />in excess of the License Metrics. <br />10.8 Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be sent under the <br />Agreement shall be delivered by hand, by overnight courier, by email <br />to SirsiDynix at, or by email to Customer at any <br />current Customer email address routinely used by SirsiDynix, or by <br />registered mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the parties <br />set forth in the Agreement or to such other address of the parties <br />designated in writing in accordance with this subsection. <br />10.9 Relationship. The Agreement is not intended to create a <br />partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, or a fiduciary or <br />employment relationship. Neither party may bind the other party or act <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 308C5B23-59C2-4A51-BF38-025B9637F9FA <br />In Process