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<br /> 5 <br />DRAFT <br />9/12/12 <br />The Board or President may establish Committees from time to time to <br />advise the Energy Council. Committees shall be subject to these Rules. <br />Any meeting of a Committee that constitutes a quorum of the Board shall <br />be noticed as both a meeting of the Committee and a meeting of the <br />Board. General rules pertaining to Committees are as follows: <br />(1) Only Committee members are permitted to vote on matters before <br />the Committee. <br />(2) Committees are not empowered to take final agency action on <br />behalf of the Board. <br />(3) A majority of the Committee members present and voting is <br />required for adoption of recommendations/actions. <br />(4) Board members who are not Committee members may attend <br />Committee meetings, but will not count toward formation of the <br />quorum necessary to conduct the meeting. <br />(5) In absence of a Board member appointed to a Committee that <br />Board member’s alternate shall serve as a member of the <br />Committee exactly as if a regular appointee to the Committee. <br /> <br />Section 5-2 Committee Vacancy When a vacancy occurs on any Committee, the <br />Board shall be notified and the Energy Council President shall recommend <br />appointment of members to said Committee, subject to confirmation by <br />the Energy Council Board. <br /> <br />Section 5-3 Cancellation and/or Reschedule of Regular Committee Meetings Any <br />regular Committee meeting of the Energy Council may be canceled or <br />rescheduled by the President, or the Executive Director with the consent of <br />the President, no less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled <br />date of such meeting. Notification of cancellation or reschedule shall be <br />mailed to all parties who are notified of regular meetings of the <br />Committee. <br /> <br />Section 5-4 Special Meetings Special Committee meetings may be called by order of <br />the President or the Executive Director with the consent of the President or <br />by a majority of the members of the Committee. The order calling the <br />special meeting shall specify the time of the meeting and the business to <br />be transacted at such meeting. <br /> <br />Section 5-5 Adjourned Meetings Any regular meeting of the Committee may be <br />adjourned to any date prior to the date established for the next regular <br />meeting. Any adjourned regular meeting is part of the regular meeting. <br />Any special meeting may be adjourned, and any adjourned special <br />meeting is part of the special meeting. <br /> <br />Section 5-6 Effect of Holiday If any meeting day or adjourned meeting day falls on a <br />holiday, the meeting of the Committee shall be specially scheduled by the <br />Committee.