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<br />11 <br /> <br />The CBD funded special benefits will not replace City funded general benefits, but rather will <br />provide special benefits to parcel owners over and above the general benefits provided by the <br />City of San Leandro. <br />All services funded by the assessments outlined in the Management District Plan are intended <br />to directly benefit the property, business owners and residents within this area to support <br />increased commerce, business attraction and retention, retained and increased commercial <br />property rentals, enhanced safety and cleanliness in the CBD, improved district identity, and <br />eventually specialized beautification and enhanced programs for the condo residential unit <br />parcels within the District. <br />The total improvement and activity plan budget for 2013-14, which is funded entirely by <br />property assessments within the CBD boundaries, is projected to be $384,680. The costs of <br />providing each of the budget components was developed from actual experience obtained in <br />providing these same services in similar districts throughout the State of California. <br />The Downtown San Leandro CBD Steering Committee has prioritized the following categories of <br />special benefit services for the new District. The categories of special benefit services set forth <br />the intent of the budget category, but also gives the District Management Corporation flexibility <br />to allocate the services based upon the changing needs of the District from year-to-year within <br />each budgeted category. <br /> <br />Improvements Activities and Services of the Downtown San Leandro CBD Plan: <br />There are five basic categories of special benefit services that will be funded within the <br />Downtown San Leandro CBD. All of these services are designed to confer a special benefit to <br />the individual parcels within the Downtown San Leandro CBD over and above the General <br />Benefits already received. The categories of special benefits are as follows: <br /> <br />1. Sidewalk Operations, Beautification and Order: This includes all private security <br />services, beautification programs, sidewalk and gutter cleaning services, sidewalk steam <br />cleaning services, graffiti removal, trash removal, as well as enhanced services between <br />the curb and property lines of both Benefit Zones in the CBD. These services equal <br />$234,175 or 61% of the first year annual budget of the CBD. <br /> <br />2. District Identity and Streetscape Improvements: These services include the branding of <br />the Downtown San Leandro area, marketing and promotions, newsletter, public <br />relations, media relations, social media, publicity, special events, website development <br />and maintenance, and holiday decorations. These services equal $50,000 or 13% of the <br />first year annual budget of the CBD. NOTE: As new residential and commercial <br />development occurs in the next fifteen years, this category of services may also include <br />creation and maintenance of a CBD wide shuttle service between various Downtown <br />locations and the San Leandro BART station. This special benefit service will be provided <br />to the business and property owners, residents, visitors, employees and others that will <br />benefit from this enhanced service. <br />