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File Number: 13-099 <br />For Public Facilities, the City must allocate $206,094 to HUD for principal/interest payments <br />for the City’s outstanding $2.5 million HUD Section 108 loan which was used to construct the <br />City’s senior center . In addition, staff proposes allocating $55,000 to continue to assist in the <br />implementation of the City’s 2010 Updated ADA Transition Plan by funding the completion of <br />architectural modifications designed to make City facilities (including the Main Library, Marina <br />Community Center, City Hall, South Offices, Police Department, Washington Manor Library , <br />and Marina Park) more accessible to persons with disabilities. Furthermore, $82,690 of <br />CDBG funds will be used for the continued installation of wheelchair accessible sidewalks and <br />curbs throughout the city to bring them into ADA compliance . <br />For Housing Activities, staff recommends providing $90,000 of CDBG funds to continue <br />funding the City’s Single -Family Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program, which provides minor <br />repair grants to extremely low- and very-low income San Leandro homeowners. <br />The City’s administration funding for FY 2013-2014 is anticipated to be $112,147 in order to <br />adhere to the HUD-regulated 20% spending cap on general administration. Staff is <br />recommending the allocation of $102,147 to City staffing for CDBG program administration . <br />CDBG funds will also once again be allocated to ECHO Housing’s Fair Housing services . <br />Staff proposes to allocate $10,000 to fair housing services to assist the City in meeting the <br />HUD requirement to affirmatively further fair housing . In FY 2012-13, Council approved <br />$10,000 in General Funds for ECHO Housing’s Fair Housing Services . However, staff is <br />recommending that CDBG funds once again pay for fair housing activities, which is federally <br />mandated and regulated. Consequently, there is no net increase in CDBG or General Fund <br />monies because the $10,000 in CDBG funds for fair housing shall be offset by charging <br />$10,000 in General Fund (formerly for fair housing) to administration costs for the City <br />Housing Services Division, which administers housing and community development activities <br />including the CDBG Program. <br />Additionally, staff proposes to continue using the City’s HOME funds for the acquisition , <br />rehabilitation, and/or new construction of affordable rental housing as well as tenant -based <br />rental assistance to serve lower income households in need. Currently, there are no <br />proposed HOME-funded projects. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current Council Policy is defined by the FY 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan, adopted by <br />Resolution No. 2010-038 on April 19, 2010. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Consolidated Plan addresses the goals of the Housing Element of the General Plan, such <br />as increasing the supply of affordable for -sale and rental housing, providing opportunities for <br />home ownership, preserving and rehabilitating existing affordable owner -occupied and rental <br />housing, and addressing special needs populations. <br />Environmental Review <br />National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA), the latter when applicable, review will be conducted for each project or activity <br />approved by the City Council. Neither NEPA nor CEQA apply to the FY 2013-2014 <br />Consolidated Action Plan . <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2013