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2. The revised MND was prepared and considered in a fully public process, <br /> consistent with all public notice and participation requirements of CEQA and the CEQA <br /> Guidelines. <br /> 3. Extensive comments were submitted on the revised MND but none of the <br /> comments constitutes substantial evidence of a fair argument of significant environmental <br /> impact, as further detailed in the Project application, supporting materials and studies, City staff <br /> reports, written responses to comments, and other materials and documents in the record, as <br /> summarized briefly below. <br /> Aesthetics. There are no public scenic views or vistas substantially affected by the <br /> Project. The Bay Trail is not adjacent to the Project site; the Project site is in the opposite <br /> direction of the bay and marshlands relative to the Bay Trail. The Project site is not in or <br /> adjacent to the bay and marshlands; it is inland of them. The "trail" adjacent to the <br /> Project site is a gated flood control maintenance area where public use and access are not <br /> authorized. Photographs in the record are among the factual bases for the revised MND <br /> conclusions on public views and vistas. The City recognizes that personal observations <br /> may be relevant on non-technical subjects such as aesthetics, however, the observations <br /> must still be based on facts. No factual evidence of public views or vistas substantially <br /> affected by the Project was presented. <br /> Many of the personal observations on aesthetics addressed private views from individual <br /> backyards. The number of affected personal views is limited to a few homes along the <br /> south Heron Bay boundary, over 500' away from the Project. This is not a substantial <br /> impact under CEQA as any potential impact is limited to a small number of private <br /> views. <br /> The revised MND conclusion of no potential for significant impact due to shadowing was <br /> supported by a technical study from an ESA expert on the subject. Paul Taylor, on behalf <br /> of the Association, shows no evidence of expertise on the subject. <br /> Biology. The revised MND was circulated to both of the public agencies primarily <br /> concerned with biological resources along the bayfront, especially avian species: The <br /> State Department of Fish and Game (now known as Department of Fish and Wildlife, or <br /> CDFW), and the East Bay Regional Parks District. Neither agency submitted any <br /> comments on the revised MND. The CDFW's recommendations were incorporated into <br /> the revised MND. The revised MND was further based on a technical study by ESA, a <br /> well-known Bay Area environmental consulting firm with experience in biological and <br /> avian resources in the nearby bay and marsh areas. The Association's purported expert <br /> shows no expertise in biological resources generally or avian resources or shorebirds; his <br /> evidence is not expert advice supported by facts. <br /> Aircraft navigational radar. The revised MND discloses the pertinent permit <br /> requirements from the ACALUC and FAA, which are incorporated as mitigation <br /> measures. The Project has since received clearance from the FAA, which clearance is <br /> included in the responses to comments. The Association's purported expert shows no <br /> RESOLUTION NO.2013-043 3 <br />