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expertise in radar, aeronautics, airport operations or regulations; his evidence is not <br /> expert advice supported by facts. <br /> Noise. The revised MND finds no potential for significant impact, based on the <br /> manufacturer's noise specifications showing noise levels would not exceed 55 dB at the <br /> Project property line, which complies with City standards for industrial (and residential) <br /> uses. The Association's purported expert shows no expertise in noise analysis; his <br /> evidence is not expert advice supported by facts. As further discussed in the City Council <br /> staff report,the Beckman comments are not fact-based as to the Project and are not <br /> substantial evidence of the potential for a significant noise impact. <br /> Property values and economic hardship. Social and economic changes are not an <br /> environmental impact under CEQA. <br /> Risk of failure or abandonment. The Project must comply with all applicable building <br /> code and other development requirements. There is no substantial evidence, e.g., studies, <br /> opinions based on fact from a qualified expert on turbine systems to support the <br /> Association speculations on this subject. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED as follows based on the whole of the record: <br /> A. The City Council hereby affirms the Board of Zoning Adjustments decision to <br /> approve the height variance to allow a wind turbine structure with a maximum height of 100 feet, <br /> based on the variance findings and subject to the conditions of approval, all as set forth in <br /> attached Resolution 02-13, incorporated herein by reference. <br /> B. In addition, the City Council hereby finds the higher the pole, the more efficient <br /> the turbine can operate and the more power the wind system can produce. There are existing <br /> obstructions in the southwesterly direction from the Project on other properties. Approximately <br /> 280 to 400 feet from the turbine are various groupings of tall trees (i.e., acacias and <br /> eucalyptuses). These are broadleaf evergreen trees that are approximately 40-to 65-feet tall with <br /> large canopies. Their canopies will continue to grow in height and width. The existing trees <br /> create a special circumstance applicable to the Project property in that their physical location and <br /> size would obstruct the southwesterly on-shore winds without the height variance for the turbine. <br /> Further, strict application of the height standard would result in peculiar and exceptional <br /> difficulty to the property owner in that a lower height is not a viable option in operating a <br /> turbine. The variance to permit a taller height is to resolve a practical difficulty to effectively <br /> operate the turbine as it is a fact that wind speeds increase with height, thus the turbine needs to <br /> be mounted on a pole. The higher the pole, the more efficient the turbine can operate and the <br /> more power the wind system can produce. These considerations would not be applicable to other <br /> permitted uses in the same zoning district that are not dependent on wind energy and that are <br /> more typically conducted within a building, or involve ground level equipment or storage. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council determines there was no <br /> prejudice to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for the reasons stated in the staff report. <br /> RESOLUTION NO.2013-043 4 <br />