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Inst 2013 Easement - Chamber of Commerce
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City Council
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Inst 2013 Easement - Chamber of Commerce
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Last modified
4/9/2013 8:47:41 AM
Creation date
4/9/2013 8:46:49 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Declaration of Restrictions
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are no common areas as defined in Civil Code Section 1351(b), and there will be no Owner's <br /> association(as defined in Civil Code Section 1351(a)). <br /> 3. Grant of Easements; Encroachments. <br /> 3.1 Waste Room. City grants to the Parcel 2 Parcel Users, an exclusive easement of access, <br /> ingress and egress over the Waste Room for Parcel 2, located on Parcel 1 as shown on Exhibit B <br /> (the"Waste Room"). The Waste Room is approximately 111.57 square feet, and is strictly for <br /> the storage of waste until collected by the applicable waste removal service as provided below. <br /> Flammable or Hazardous Substances in violation of Environmental Laws shall not be disposed of <br /> in the Waste Room. Waste and recycling containers must be stored in the Waste Room at all <br /> times except for the purpose of servicing them on collection days where they may be placed at <br /> the curb for a period no longer than 24-hours. Owner of Parcel 2 or Parcel 2 Parcel Users shall <br /> store waste in accordance with Chapter 3-6 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, and shall <br /> without limitation,do all of the following: 1) subscribe to regular solid waste and recycling <br /> services from the City's franchisee; 2) deposit waste materials in one or more leak-proof <br /> containers of sufficient size and quantity to adequately service the property, as provided by the <br /> City's franchisee; 3) contain waste materials in a manner so as to discourage disturbance by, or <br /> harboring of,animals or pests;to prevent fire or other safety hazards, and to prevent odors or <br /> unsightliness amounting to a nuisance;4) refrain from storing or accumulating any putrescible <br /> waste on site for a period longer than seven(7)days; 5)refrain from storing Hazardous <br /> Substances,medical and infectious waste, or special waste, in the Waste Room; and 6)refrain <br /> from using City litter cans for disposing of waste materials originating from Parcel 2. The Waste <br /> Room also houses the Electrical Disconnect Panel for Parcel 2. Panel clearance shall be <br /> maintained at all times per City and Fire Codes. <br /> 3.2 Mechanical Equipment Area. City grants to the Parcel 2 Parcel Users an <br /> exclusive easement of access, ingress, and egress over the fenced area on Parcel 1 shown on <br /> Exhibit"B"to install, operate,maintain, and replace Heating Venting Air Conditioning <br /> mechanical equipment(HVAC), and such other equipment(vacuums,redundant power, <br /> generators etc.)that may be installed with the prior written approval of the City for the benefit of <br /> Parcel 2,(the"HVAC Equipment Area").•The HVAC Equipment Area is approximately <br /> 412.85 square feet. The Owner of Parcel 2 shall be responsible to maintain the equipment, <br /> including the fencing that surrounds the HVAC Equipment Area, in good working order and free <br /> of debris or other materials not specifically required in the maintenance or operation of the <br /> HVAC equipment. Owner of Parcel 2 shall ensure that the HVAC Equipment Area remains <br /> locked at all times and shall not allow the area to be used for storage of any kind. <br /> 3.3 Parking Spaces. City grants to the Parcel 2 Parcel Users an exclusive easement to <br /> park vehicles,with no cost or other charges to the owner of Parcel 2, within the designated <br /> parking area located on Parcel 1 as shown on Exhibit B (the"Parcel 2 Parking Area"). The <br /> Parcel 2 Parking Area is approximately 486 square feet. Owner of Parcel 2 shall be responsible <br /> for striping, signage, surface maintenance,and cleanup of the Parcel 2 Parking Area,however <br /> the Owner of Parcel 2 shall not be responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any <br /> structural portions of the Parcel 2 Parking Area. No storage of vehicles or any other item is <br /> permitted, nor is any overnight parking allowed other than by Parcel 2 Parcel Users working on <br /> 3/7/13 4 <br />
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