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City Council Minutes February 21,2012 <br /> Mayor Cassidy stated that he had a conflict of interest, as his home was within one of <br /> the affected zones. Mayor Cassidy recused himself, and left the Chamber. Vice <br /> Mayor Gregory presided over the public hearing. <br /> The Hearing was opened to the public. <br /> There being no public comments, and without objection, the Public Hearing was <br /> closed. <br /> 12-034 PASS TO PRINT: An Ordinance Amending Article 5, Sections 2-516 <br /> and 2-574 (Large Family Day Care); Article 5, Section 2-546 <br /> (Accessory Structure); Article 17, Section 4-1718 (Paving in <br /> Residential Front Yard); and Article 16, Section 4-1682 (Fences in the <br /> Residential Single-Family View Preservation Overlay District) of the <br /> San Leandro Zoning Code <br /> A motion was made by Councilmember Souza,seconded by Councilmember <br /> Prola,that this Ordinance be Passed to Print.The motion carried by the <br /> following vote. <br /> Aye: 6- Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br /> Recused: 1 - Cassidy <br /> Enactment No: Ordinance 2012-001 <br /> Item 3.B. was considered earlier in the agenda. <br /> 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS—OTHER <br /> None. <br /> 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> CHRIS CROW, San Leandro resident, commented on the Zoning Code matter <br /> discussed earlier in the meeting. <br /> 6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br /> 6.A. 12-067 City Manager Report on Budget Calendar and City Council Retreat <br /> City Manager Zapata announced that a City Council retreat would be held this <br /> Saturday, February 25, 2012, and members of the public and business community <br /> are invited to attend. The Council will have a presentation and discussion on the <br /> City's budget, and members of the public will have an opportunity to give input to the <br /> Council. <br /> 7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Item Number 8.F. was removed from the Consent Calendar to Item 9, Items <br /> Removed from Consent Calendar. <br /> 8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> City of San Leandro Page 3 <br />