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City Council Minutes February 25,2012 <br /> 11:00 Break <br /> The Council took a break from 10:35 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. <br /> 11:15 Legal Issues/Updates (City Attorney) <br /> City Attorney Jayne Williams provided an update to legal issues, including a reminder <br /> regarding Closed Sessions and confidentiality. The discussion included a review of <br /> the legal fees and process;evaluating each project prior to initiating work;and a <br /> financial overview of the retainer costs and special services as separate from the <br /> retainer. <br /> 11:30 Council Comments/Direction <br /> • Suggested topics may include: <br /> o 2012-13 Budget Priorities (Deputy City Manager) <br /> o Council Committees and Structure (Assistant City Manager) <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS ON GOALS FOR 2012-13 <br /> Deputy City Manager Diaz facilitated the Council on clarifying goals for the 2012-13 <br /> year, and provided the list of the current fiscal year goals developed at last year's <br /> retreat. <br /> The Council discussed the desire to review the previous year's goals each year, in <br /> order to evaluate the results. Mayor Cassidy proposed a set of goals, similar in <br /> nature to the current year's, but with modifications. The members discussed the <br /> proposed goals and agreed that economic growth is a priority to achieve all other <br /> goals, as well as to provide programs and projects. There was general agreement <br /> that the Council goals are connected with the evaluation of the City Manager and are <br /> considered his'work plan'. <br /> Further discussion continued regarding the workforce, and maintaining positive <br /> relationships with employees and the community as a whole. This includes the ability <br /> to be flexible with the workforce and evaluate positions to the tasks required, as well <br /> as looking into doing things differently and considering consolidation or contracting <br /> when appropriate. <br /> Chief Spagnoli commented on the impact of communications and emphasizing <br /> "feeling safe"vs.lowering crime in the community. Frequent messaging and <br /> communications with schools, businesses and the community at large is a priority. <br /> Director Bohne related the quality of life and how it intermingles throughout all <br /> departments and services, for example education is positively impacted by the library <br /> services. <br /> City Manager Zapata stated that diversity is valued, and communication and <br /> partnerships are important to the community. He stated that the City Manager's goals <br /> come from the Council and that staff is also accountable to achieving those goals. <br /> The Council drafted and agreed to the final goals for 2012-13. <br /> City Manager Zapata stated that the goals are a roadmap for the organization;other <br /> items that come up and don't fit in will not be addressed or the full Council will have to <br /> direct him otherwise. Completing projects is important to the organization. <br /> City of San Leandro Page 2 <br />