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City Council Minutes June 18,2012 <br /> vote. <br /> Aye: 7- Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prole, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br /> Enactment No: Reso 2012-074 <br /> 10.B. 12-296 Status Report for Medical Marijuana Regulations <br /> Public Comments on Item 10.B.: <br /> MATTHEW WITEMYRE, United Food and Commercial Workers(UFCW)Local 5, <br /> commented that cannabis facilities can be safe and unionized. Mr. Witemyre <br /> expressed support for medical cannabis for the sick. <br /> DIANA PROLA, San Leandro resident, commented on a friend's positive experience <br /> with medical marijuana to treat her cancer symptoms, and supported access to <br /> medical marijuana for patients who need t. <br /> RYAN MILLER, San Leandro resident, commented on his use of medical manjuana <br /> for post-traumatic stress disorder, and urged the Council to support safe access to <br /> medical cannabis. <br /> CLAUDIA McHENRY, San Leandro resident, spoke in opposition to the current <br /> distribution process for medical marijuana and the lack of controls and safety issues. <br /> Ms. McHenry urged the Council to prohibit dispensaries. <br /> CHRIS CROW, San Leandro resident, spoke in support of legalizing marijuana, and <br /> commented that prohibiting dispensaries would promote illegal marijuana trafficking. <br /> STEPHANIE L'ARCHULETA, San Leandro resident, spoke in support of a ban on <br /> medical marijuana, and of the negative effects of marijuana on individuals and their <br /> families. <br /> CHRIS SMITH, San Leandro resident, related his personal experience with <br /> manjuana, and commented on the damaging effects of marijuana use on youth. <br /> BENNY LEE, San Leandro resident, shared a story about a childhood friend who died <br /> at a young age from exposure to alcohol and other substances. <br /> DAN DILLMAN, San Leandro resident, spoke regarding the history of marijuana in <br /> the U.S., and commented that allowing dispensaries would reduce illegal trafficking. <br /> DAN RUSH, UFCW Local 5, spoke in support of unionized medical marijuana <br /> dispensaries. Mr. Rush commented that AB 2312 would resolve many of the issues <br /> surrounding dispensaries, and requested that the Council's vote be delayed until AB <br /> 2312 had passed. <br /> BRIAN WEBSTER, Institute Laboral, urged the City Council to delay its decision until <br /> AB 2312 passed. He supported the comments of speaker Dan Rush, and spoke in <br /> support of a taxed and regulated industry. <br /> DEBORAH COX, San Leandro resident, spoke in opposition to allowing medical <br /> marijuana dispensaries in San Leandro, and expressed concern about a business <br /> that needed protection by armed guards. Ms. Cox expressed sympathy for patients <br /> that need medical marijuana, and noted that there are a sufficient number of <br /> dispensaries in the Bay Area to supply those patients. <br /> City of San Leandro Page 7 <br />