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City Council Minutes June 18,2012 <br /> from the City to the District to Finance the District's Purchase of <br /> Property in the City of San Leandro <br /> Item was removed from consideration and will be rescheduled for a future meeting. <br /> 12-312 MOTION: Motion Approving Letter of Intent (LOI) from City of San <br /> Leandro to San Leandro Unified School District for City Loan to <br /> Finance District Purchase of Property in the City of San Leandro; and <br /> Directing the City Manager to Commence Negotiations of the LOI's <br /> Terms and Intentions with the San Leandro Unified School District <br /> (proposes a loan to SLUSD of$1.5 million from General Fund <br /> Reserves) <br /> Item was removed from consideration and will be rescheduled for a future meeting. <br /> 10.D. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br /> No reportable actions taken. <br /> 11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br /> City Councilmembers announced upcoming events and coordinated attendance. <br /> 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br /> City Councilmembers reported on meetings and other local events attended since the <br /> last meeting, reported on attendance at conferences and seminars, and made brief <br /> comments on issues of concern. <br /> 13. ADJOURN <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 p.m. in memory of Cory Lavigne, AC Transit's <br /> Director of Service Development and Planning. <br /> RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: <br /> —71//ti2AA, c1/1/144 <br /> MARIAN HANDA <br /> City Clerk of the City of San Leandro <br /> City of San Leandro Page 9 <br />