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City Council Minutes September 4,2012 <br /> 12-403 ADOPT: Resolution Approving Appointments to the City of San <br /> Leandro's Measure Z Oversight Committee as Required by Ordinance <br /> No. 2010-022 (appoints David Grodin, Geraldine Mellen, Esther <br /> Collier, and Corina Lopez, each to serve a 3-year term expiring on <br /> August 31, 2015) <br /> A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gregory,seconded by Councilmember <br /> Cutter,that this Resolution be Adopted.The motion carried by the following <br /> vote. <br /> Aye: 6- Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza <br /> Enactment No: Reso 2012-103 <br /> The Council, by consensus, referred discussion of the Downtown Business <br /> Association representative to the City Council Finance Committee. <br /> 10.C. 12-419 Discussion Regarding the San Leandro Unified School District Parcel <br /> Tax Measure on the November 6, 2012 Ballot <br /> The Council, by consensus, agreed to consider a resolution in support of Measure L, <br /> the San Leandro Unified School District Parcel Tax Measure, at the September 17, <br /> 2012 regular City Council meeting. <br /> 10.D. 12-431 Staff Report for City Council District 4 Vacancy, Update on <br /> Appointment Process and Preparation for Special Meeting on <br /> September 13, 2012 <br /> 12-434 MOTION: Motion Determining the Field of Applicants to Interview to <br /> Fill the District 4 City Council Vacancy <br /> The City Council selected applicants Dana Chohlis, Thomas Diugosh, John Faria and <br /> Charles Kane to be interviewed at the September 13, 2012 special meeting to fill the <br /> District 4 Council vacancy. <br /> 10.E. 12-420 City Council Discussion and Determination of City Position on Five <br /> Resolutions of the League of California Cities to Be Voted on at the <br /> 2012 Annual Business Meeting (provides voting directions to the City's <br /> voting delegate and alternate as designated by Resolution No. <br /> 2012-081) <br /> 12-426 MOTION: Motion Supporting OR Opposing the League's Resolution <br /> Encouraging California Cities to Oppose the California Desert <br /> Protection Act of 2011 <br /> A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gregory,seconded by Councilmember <br /> Prola,to direct San Leandro's Voting Delegate to vote NO on the League's <br /> Resolution.The motion carried by the following vote. <br /> Aye: 6- Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza <br /> Enactment No: Min Order 2012-033 <br /> City of San Leandro Page 5 <br />