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File Number: 13-243 <br />needs, the City can leverage existing resources by creating a Community Investment Program <br />that leverages other non-city funds and volunteers. This would have the effect of <br />strengthening our long -standing partnerships with non-profits, business and neighborhoods. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The following recommendation is submitted for Council consideration and aligns with City <br />Council goals related to quality of life. <br />Over the next two years it is recommended that the City Council allocate from its reserve <br />funds $300,000 annually in the following manner: <br />·$150,000 annually to be allocated to the Human Services Commission to distribute <br />through its normal program <br />·$100,000 annually to strengthen Neighborhoods for cleanups, lighting, historic <br />preservation, events, public art and beautification <br />·$50,000 annually to the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of one time programs <br />such as Branding and Marketing San Leandro, retention and expansion of local and <br />minority owned business as well as a Kaiser Week program highlighting shopping, <br />schools, real estate and quality of life facilities/activities. <br />If approved, it is also recommended that the program be evaluated annually for impact and <br />effectiveness. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The funding summarized above would be provided from the City’s General Fund reserve <br />balance in the annual amount of $300,000. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/30/2013