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Inst 2013178610
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2013178610
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Last modified
5/16/2014 5:08:56 PM
Creation date
5/7/2013 4:40:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Declaration of Restrictions
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Reso 2013-058
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2013
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City is the sole owner of the Garage) and by City's engineer, or the City Engineer,whichever is <br /> applicable. There shall be no valid rights of access for any encroachment except as provided <br /> above in this Section. <br /> The City grants a permanent encroachment for air-space for the maintenance of the louvers and <br /> installation and maintenance of signage and appurtenance that are within Parcel 1 and/or the <br /> public right-of-way. The louvers and signage shall be located within the space of the <br /> encroachment as defined in Exhibit C and labeled louver and signage encroachment. Owner of <br /> Parcel 2 acknowledges that there are no rights to install or construct any improvements in the <br /> public right-of-way at ground level. The Owner of Parcel 2 is the owner of the louvers and their <br /> structures adjacent to Parcel 2 and its identifying signage, and has the right to construct, <br /> maintain,upgrade,replace,remove, and operate the louvers and signage and appurtenances in <br /> the air-space encroachment. However,the Owner of Parcel 2 must obtain the approval of the <br /> City prior to making any visible changes to the louvers, their structures, and the signage. Since <br /> the louvers and their structures match others around the garage structure,the Owner of Parcel 2 <br /> shall maintain them in a similar manner to those belonging to the City to retain the unifying <br /> appearance. Prior to commencement of any construction,maintenance,upgrade,replacement or <br /> removal of facilities within the air-space encroachment which requires the use of the public <br /> right-of-way outside of Parcel 2's encroachment,the Owner of Parcel 2 or its agents shall apply <br /> for an encroachment permit from the City and meet all permit requirements. <br /> The provisions of Section 9.2 Liability Insurance shall apply to all Parcel 2 facilities and <br /> operation within the air-space encroachment in the public right-of-way. <br /> 3.7 Public and Other Easements. Each Parcel shall also be subject to nonexclusive <br /> easements for public utility location and maintenance,public service access, and emergency <br /> service access in favor of the City, and as may be required by the City in connection with the <br /> approval of the Map or otherwise with respect to the development of the Property. <br /> 3.8 Foundation and Continued Support. City grants to the Owner of Parcel 2, subject <br /> to the terms,provisions and limitations of this Agreement,non-exclusive easements constituting <br /> the right to receive, use and maintain continuous support from the Parcel 1 and the improvements <br /> located within Parcel 1, as may be necessary for the development, existence,use and enjoyment <br /> of Parcel 2, including,without limitation, support for all improvements within Parcel 2 and the <br /> right to obtain substantial load-bearing support from exterior walls, foundations, footings, slabs, <br /> floors, ceilings,posts, columns and any other elements providing or that will provide a <br /> foundation or structural support for all or any portion of Parcel 2. <br /> 4. Maintenance. <br /> 4.1 Maintenance. The Parties acknowledge and agree that there are no"common <br /> areas"associated with the Property. Each Party shall be responsible for maintenance, at its own <br /> expense (except as expressly set forth herein), of the improvements located on or within the <br /> Parcel such Party owns. For purposes of clarification, it is intended that Parcel 2 be an air space <br /> parcel which will not include any structural improvements. Without limiting the generality of <br /> the foregoing: (i) City shall retain responsibility for maintenance, repair, and replacement of all <br /> structural elements of the Garage (including,without limitation, all Garage exterior walls, <br /> 4/23/13 6 <br />
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