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Inst 2013178610
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2013178610
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Last modified
5/16/2014 5:08:56 PM
Creation date
5/7/2013 4:40:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2013-058
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2013
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improvements owned by such Owner. Taxes shall include, without limitation, assessments and <br /> fees levied with respect to any special assessment district within which the Property is located. <br /> 8. Signs. No signs,temporary or permanent, including animated or electronic <br /> copy/messages, shall be located on the structure(except signs identifying businesses conducted <br /> therein and located per Section 3.6 and directional parking and informational signs either <br /> installed or approved by the City). All signage shall be in compliance with all applicable laws <br /> and City requirements based on the"Downtown San Leandro Design Guidelines and Principles <br /> (2007)"that may be amended from time to time, and shall be subject to the prior approval of <br /> City. <br /> 9. Indemnification and Insurance. <br /> 9.1 Indemnification. Each Owner, and its successors and assigns,hereby agrees to <br /> defend, indemnify, and hold the other Owner and its members, managers, officers, directors, <br /> officials, employees, representatives, consultants, and contractors harmless from and against any <br /> and all liability, damage, expense(including reasonable attorneys' fees), causes of action, suits, <br /> claims or judgments arising from personal injury, death or property damage occurring on or from <br /> its own Parcel, except to the extent caused by the act or negligence of the indemnified party. <br /> Each Owner covenants and agrees to keep or cause to be kept their respective Parcel(s) and the <br /> improvements thereon, free and clear of and from any and all mechanics', materialmen's, and <br /> other similar liens arising out of or in connection with the operations thereon or other activities <br /> undertaken by such Owner or others claiming under such Owner, and to pay and discharge when <br /> due any and all lawful claims upon which any such lien may or could be based, and to save and <br /> hold the other Owner's Parcel(s) and the improvements thereon, free and harmless of and from <br /> any and all such liens and any and all claims of liens and suits or other proceedings pertaining <br /> thereto. <br /> 9.2 Liability Insurance. <br /> (i) Coverage. Each Owner shall procure and maintain in full force and effect <br /> throughout the period of its ownership of a Parcel, commercial general liability insurance (or its <br /> equivalent)on an occurrence basis, in combined policy limits of not less than One Million <br /> Dollars ($1,000,000)per occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate, <br /> with commercially reasonable deductibles, insuring the Owner(as named insured) and the other <br /> Owner(as additional insureds)against all claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings initiated <br /> or made by or for any person as a result of bodily injury(including death),personal injury or <br /> property damage (i) occurring upon, in, or about such Owner's Parcel or(ii) arising from any <br /> acts or omissions of such Owner or any of its agents or employees. Such insurance may be <br /> written by additional premises endorsement on any master policy of insurance carried by the <br /> Owner which may cover other property in addition to the property covered by this Agreement. <br /> (ii) Liability Insurance Requirements. All commercial general liability <br /> insurance policies shall insure for contractual indemnity and contain a cross-liability <br /> endorsement. All insurance coverage required to be carried under this Section 9.2 shall be <br /> carried with insurance companies that are (i) licensed to do business in California, and(ii)rated <br /> in the then-most current Best's Insurance Guide (or any successor thereto) as having a general <br /> 4/23/13 9 <br />
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