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Commissioner Rennie said 300 feet does not have a rational basis because it’s neither data <br />driven nor based on the CFO use. It’s based on the Large Family Day Care use. <br />Planner Barros said that on a practical level, it’s difficult to operate with no rules, and in the <br />case of CFOs, there’s very little we’re allowed to regulate in any case. Because CFOs are part of <br />a movement that’s growing, she added, it could expand considerably. She said staff took a <br />cautious approach to this new territory, and looked at the Administrative Exceptions process as a <br />way to address some of the issues that would come up. <br />Ms. Faught said that reducing the spacing to zero feet would not necessarily result in a need for <br />case-by-case analysis. The CFO would simply be allowed provided it complied with other <br />conditions. With spacing set at a particular number, on the other hand, she said that if an applicant <br />were to be denied an application on that basis, the Zoning Administrator would then have an <br />opportunity to examine that situation and permit it if he/she could make the finding that the CFO <br />would not create adverse impacts, etc. <br />Secretary Liao said that the law, although probably imperfect, is already in effect, so the City is <br />a bit behind the curve in terms of developing guidelines and setting up some standards. <br />Considering that CFOs are part of a growing movement, Commissioner Hernandez asked <br />whether a survey of residents might give us a better gauge on the potential impact that could be <br />considered when discussing the kinds of rules we should have. <br />Commissioner Rennie said that lots in some San Leandro neighborhoods have frontages of <br />about 50 feet. Measuring 150 feet from the property line would go four houses down the block. <br />He said to imagine living there, and think about the last time someone who lived four houses <br />away did anything that affected you – cars parked up and down the street for a party or family <br />gathering at that house. Further, he said that’s on a weekend or evening, when people are more <br />likely to be home, as opposed to weekdays when they’re at work. <br />If you consider 300 feet versus 150 feet, Commissioner Rennie continued, it would take you <br />seven houses down from the property line – if there are seven houses left on the block. He said in <br />the situation of a Large Family Day Care operation, he can imagine 14 cars arriving within a 10 - <br />minute window, but with CFOs there would be no such window of intense activity. People would <br />arrive over a period of, say, eight hours rather than 10 minutes. He said the impact on parking <br />would be practically indiscernible. <br />