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File Number: 13-228 <br />shall be provided for employees, per Article 17, Section 4-1704. Said <br />employee parking may be uncovered and located in a driveway. <br />7.Vehicles. Any vehicle or vehicles used by the applicant in conjunction <br />with the cottage food operation or with any related business activity shall <br />be parked in a manner so as not to be visible from a public street. This <br />limitation shall not apply to standard passenger vehicles or trucks and <br />vans of 3/4-ton or less in size. <br />In discussion of these proposed Zoning Code amendments with the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments (BZA) at its April 4, 2013 meeting, certain BZA members were concerned about <br />the potential parking impacts that a successful operation might have on a residential <br />neighborhood, particularly in the single-family zoning districts (see attached excerpt from the <br />draft minutes for the April 4, 2013 BZA meeting). As such, the parking requirements for Large <br />Family Day Care were re-introduced into the above parameters for Cottage Food Operations. <br />By including the provision for a minimum of 32 feet of on-street parking, the BZA supported <br />the proposed amendments. The BZA also agreed that, should certain parameters prove too <br />difficult to obtain , an administrative process be available to allow exceptions to these <br />regulations. <br />At the public hearing on April 18, 2013, the Planning Commission recommended greater <br />flexibility for these operations to start up, per the State’s intent in AB 1616. The Commission <br />proposed the following modifications to the staff -proposed regulations: reduce the separation <br />requirement from 300 feet to 150 feet (see above italicized text); and specify that the distance <br />would be measured along the street frontage rather than a simple radius. <br />In addition, the Planning Commission recommended that caveats be allowed whenever there <br />is ample parking on a site, such as a deep driveway at a single-family residence or numerous <br />guest parking spaces at an apartment building, or whenever the applicant declares that no <br />sales will be conducted on the home site. These caveats would waive both the 150-foot <br />separation and on-street parking requirements without a formal Administrative Exception . The <br />new regulations in Article 16 were amended thus: <br />D.Notwithstanding the above, standards C.1 and C.2 will not apply to a <br />cottage food operation where the permit applicant declares on the <br />application form that the cottage food operation will not be making any <br />customer sales directly from the dwelling or property. <br />Notwithstanding the above, standards C.1 and C.2 will not apply to a <br />cottage food operation that operates in a location where there are two or <br />more on-site, off-street, dedicated parking spaces for guests. <br />With the above flexibility built in for any Cottage Food Operation that states on their Zoning <br />Permit application that there will be no sales from the residence , the Planning Commission <br />recommended that the regulations be presented to the City Council as modified. <br />A staff survey of Alameda County jurisdictions revealed that nearly all other cities and <br />Alameda County are not imposing any separation requirement, except for Pleasanton which is <br />specifying a 300-foot distance between Cottage Food Operations. Therefore, staff believes <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2013