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File Number: 13-228 <br />·Policy 12.03 Job Opportunities for Residents - Promote opportunities for San <br />Leandro residents to find suitable employment within the community… <br />The General Plan does contemplate that changes will occur within San Leandro <br />neighborhoods and places a great deal of emphasis on maintaining a quality environment. <br />The following policies support the regulations on Cottage Food Operations to minimize <br />parking, traffic, spacing and concentration, and noise impacts. <br />·Policy 1.05 Home Occupations - Restrict home occupations in residential <br />neighborhoods to those that have no perceptible impacts on the neighborhood. <br />·Policy 1.11 Encroachment of Incompatible Uses - Protect residential <br />neighborhoods from the encroachment of incompatible non-residential uses and <br />disruptive traffic, to the extent possible. Zoning and design review should ensure <br />that compatibility issues are fully addressed when non-residential development is <br />proposed near or within residential areas. <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code would maintain San Leandro neighborhoods <br />through regulations to the extent allowed by state law, while creating greater opportunities for <br />San Leandro residents to engage in innovative new employment through home-based <br />Cottage Food Operations. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed minor amendments to the Zoning Code are exempt from environmental review <br />under Section 15061(b)(2 and 3) of the CEQA Guidelines as a minor amendment of the <br />Zoning Code to provide for a Cottage Food Operations use in a residential dwelling unit <br />because they will not have a significant effect on the environment and because future Cottage <br />Food Operations uses would be exempt from CEQA review under Section 15301 Existing <br />Facilities. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />At the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) meeting on April 4, 2013, the BZA reviewed the <br />changes and provided comments related to the separation parameters. Specifically, certain <br />BZA members believed that the 300-foot distance was not sufficient , citing concerns about the <br />potential parking impacts that a successful operation might have on a residential <br />neighborhood, particularly within the single-family zoning districts (see attached excerpt from <br />the draft minutes for the April 4 BZA meeting). The BZA signaled its support for the policy , with <br />the inclusion of the minimum 32-foot parking area along the street frontage. <br />As discussed above, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff proposal and made certain <br />modifications to clarify the Cottage Food Operations modifications and to allow for greater <br />flexibility in the separation standards and minimum on-street parking for any Cottage Food <br />Operation that did not intend to sell products at the home (see attached excerpt from the draft <br />minutes for the April 18, 2013 Planning Commission meeting). <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2013