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Page 10 of 21 <br />Alameda CTC Paratransit Program Plan Application <br />Application Period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 <br /> <br />17. If you anticipate a fund balance by the end of FY 13-14 (see Row I, cell C11 in the Table C <br />Attachment in the Excel workbook), how do you plan to use these Measure B funds in <br />future years (beyond FY 13-14)? (max. 300 characters) <br /> <br />The undesignated reserve is less than the allowable operating reserve. It will be maintained for <br />operating reserve. <br /> <br /> <br />18. Please describe what costs are included in “Management/Overhead” and “Customer <br />Service and Outreach” in the Table B Attachment and how you determined these cost <br />allocations? The definition of these two categories was included in Question 1. <br /> <br />**Please indicate funds spent on Customer Service/Outreach and Management/Overhead, <br />even if it is not paid for through Measure B funds. For example, include city staff time <br />dedicated to managing the Measure B-funded program as it is considered an “in-kind” <br />contribution from the city. <br /> <br />18A.Management/Overhead (max. 350 characters) <br /> <br />Overhead includes the cost of insurance. Management includes program oversight including: <br />planning, budgeting, contract oversight and participation in regional meetings. The allocation is <br />based on 25% of the Senior Services Supervisor’s time. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />18B.Customer Service and Outreach (max. 350 characters) <br /> <br />Customer Service/Outreach includes daily operational activities such as processing applications, <br />maintaining the database and statistical information, answering consumer questions, complaint <br />follow-up, outreach and education. The allocation is based on the part-time Paratransit <br />Coordinator’s time. <br /> <br /> <br />