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Page 4 of 21 <br />Alameda CTC Paratransit Program Plan Application <br />Application Period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1B. Please list recurring primary destinations for seniors and people with disabilities in <br />your community that your services are designed to serve or to which passengers <br />frequently need to travel, e.g. dialysis centers, hospitals, major shopping complexes, <br />senior centers. (max. 700 characters) <br /> <br />The regular shuttle stops for the Flex Shuttle’s north route include the following destinations: <br />Broadmoor Plaza, Main Library, Downtown Plaza, San Leandro BART station, Estabrook Place, <br />Marina Square, Marina Faire, Walmart, the San Leandro Senior Community Center and San <br />Leandro Hospital. The regular shuttle stops for the Flex Shuttle’s south route include the following <br />destinations: Eden Lodge, Bayfair Center, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Marina Faire, Marina <br />Community Center, Mission Bay, Fargo Senior Center, Greenhouse (Safeway), Wal-Mart, the San <br />Leandro Senior Community Center and the San Leandro Hospital. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2. Will your planned program for FY 13-14 meet the Paratransit Program Implementation <br />Guidelines? (Programs are required to meet the Implementing Guidelines in FY 13-14. See <br />Appendix A for the Guidelines.) (max. 700 characters) <br />If your program plans to apply for Implementation Guidelines Assistance funding for FY 13 - <br />14, please complete the application on page 12. <br /> <br />Yes, the Flex Shuttle service meets all of the Program Implementation Guidelines for the 2013-14 <br />year. <br /> <br /> <br />3. If proposing service changes from the current year, FY 12-13, please describe what <br />changes are proposed and why. Please describe how these changes will impact the ability <br />of seniors and people with disabilities in your community to meet their basic life needs. <br />(max. 700 characters) <br /> <br />The service change we are proposing for FY 2013-2014 is the expansion of our fixed route shuttle <br />service by two additional hours each week day, with scheduled operating hours of 9:00am – <br />6:00pm. The current operating hours are 9:00am – 4:00pm, which is one hour after the San <br />Leandro Senior Community Center closes. On March 4, 2013 the Senior Community Center will <br />remain open until 5:00pm, and we would like to use this opportunity to expand our shuttle service <br />and give our riders more time to fulfill their basic life needs such as grocery shopping, banking or <br />picking up prescriptions from pharmacies during the early evening hours. <br /> <br />There were three significant route changes suggestions that were made in 2011, and implemented <br />in 2012. We have not had any significant route change requests since then. <br />