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File Number: 13-239 <br />Assessment Engineer to ensure that it reflects the benefit of the services to be received. <br />Details regarding the annual assessments for benefit zones 1 and 2 and residential properties <br />are also included in the attached Management Plan Summary. <br />Petition & Balloting <br />On April 1, 2013, the City Council authorized the City Manager to sign the petition for the City <br />properties in support of the CBD. <br />On April 5, 2013, the petition drive was launched and packets were mailed to all property <br />owners in the proposed district. The packet included a letter from New City America , a flyer <br />about how to obtain Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin translation assistance, the petition for <br />the property and the Management Plan Summary. The cover letter, translations flyer, a <br />sample petition and the Management Plan summary are attached for your information. <br />Since April, property owners have submitted petitions to New City America and details of <br />those in support and those opposed as of May 10, 2013 is attached in the Exhibit titled San <br />Leandro Petition Response 5/10/2013. In summary, 35.54% of property owners, by weight, <br />are supportive of the CBD initiative, which meets the required threshold to move to the final <br />petition stage of the process. Petitions received by May 20 at 5pm will be included in the <br />information presented to the City Council at the meeting that evening. <br />Because the petition threshold was reached, a Resolution of Intent (ROI) is before the City <br />Council for adoption. Adoption of the resolution will bring the CBD initiative to the final <br />balloting stage. According to the State constitution, property owners must then be allowed to <br />submit a ballot on the formation of the district at a public hearing. By adopting the ROI, the <br />City Council is instructing the City Clerk to mail out the ballots to every affected property <br />owner. The property owners will have no less than 45 days in which to return the mail ballots. <br />CBD ballots will be mailed by the City Clerk no later than May 31, 2013 and must be returned <br />by the conclusion of the public hearing scheduled for the July 15, 2013 City Council meeting. <br />Should 50% plus one of the ballots, by weight, be cast in favor of the CBD, the City Council <br />can establish the CBD and authorize placement of the assessment on the Fiscal Year <br />2013-14 tax roll. <br />Timeline <br />May 31, 2013 CBD Ballots mailed to property owners <br />July 15, 2013 City Council Public Hearing, ballots counted <br />Early August 2013 Assessments forwarded to Alameda County Auditor /Controller <br />July - Dec 2013 Formation of the CBD Management Corporation <br />December 2013 Revenue (50%) distributed to City and forwarded to the new CBD <br />Management Corporation <br />City Owned Properties <br />Based on the City’s property ownership , the City would pay approximately $41,190 annually, <br />or 10.7% of the total assessment. The increase in enhanced services that the CBD would <br />provide downtown would be much greater than what the City is able to currently provide. The <br />City currently pays $45,000 for limited maintenance and sidewalk steam cleaning and in <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2013