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File Number: 13-204 <br />A request for proposal and sample planimetric survey documents were requested from four <br />survey firms. Responses to the requests for proposals were received from three consultants. <br />Staff reviewed the proposals and samples and selected Kier & Wright Civil Engineers and <br />Surveyors, Inc. as the most suitable survey company to provide services for the design phase <br />of this project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />7.08: Telecommunication Infrastructure - Coordinate with the School Districts, the private <br />sector, and local business organizations to upgrade and expand telecommunications <br />infrastructure in San Leandro, including fiber optics, cable, DSL, and other emerging forms of <br />information technology. <br />Environmental Review <br />·This project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt per the CEQA Guidelines <br />section 15304 (f) Minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored <br />·A notice of exemption was filed with the County Recorder <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />·This project is valued at $4.2 million, including improvements and land value <br />·This project will cost $2.6 million, with $2.1 million funded by an EDA grant and $500,000 <br />provided by the City in matching funds <br />·The subject contract is for $66,469, and will be funded by existing funds in Account 120-38 <br />-347 <br />Budget Authority <br />This work is funded with DFSI money in Account 120-38-347, allocated as part of the fiscal <br />year 2012-13 budget. <br />PREPARED BY: John O’Driscoll, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2013