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EXHIBIT A: WORK SCOPE AND COSTS <br /> This exhibit describes the scope of services, schedule, products and meetings for the San <br /> Leandro Shoreline Development Project EIR to be conducted by The Planning Center I DC&E <br /> for the City of San Leandro in cooperation with TranSystems Corporation, Kittelson & <br /> Associates (KAI), Environmental Collaborative, Alan Kropp & Associates (AKA), and Tom <br /> Origer&Associates. A summary of the work program is included in Table 1. <br /> I. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> Task A. Project Initiation and Project Management <br /> 1. NOTICE OF PREPARATION <br /> The Planning Center I DC&E will prepare the Notice of Preparation(NOP)of an EIR pursuant <br /> to CEQA Section 15082. The NOP will include an environmental scoping study with a brief <br /> project history and a description of the topics to be analyzed in the EIR. The Planning <br /> Center I DC&E will be responsible for circulation to the State Clearinghouse. City staff will be <br /> responsible for publishing the notice in a local publication and for sending the notice to local <br /> property owners. The Planning Center I DC&E will provide 1 electronic copy(1 each in Word <br /> and PDF formats)and 2 hard copies of the NOP. <br /> 2. PUBLIC AND AGENCY SCOPING MEETINGS <br /> During the 30-day comment period on the NOP, The Planning Center I DC&E will conduct <br /> one scoping meeting for public agencies and one for the general public in order to hear <br /> comments on the environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR. It is assumed that the <br /> meetings will be held on the same day,with the agency meeting in the afternoon and the <br /> public meeting in the evening. City staff will arrange the meeting location and date. The <br /> Planning Center I DC&E will prepare a list of public agencies and organizations and will <br /> contact each regarding the scoping meeting. The Planning Center I DC&E will also mail all <br /> public notices of the meeting. The City will publish the notice in a local publication. Steve <br /> Noack and Kyle Simpson of will prepare a presentation and will facilitate the scoping <br /> meeting. The Planning Center I DC&E will prepare a written summary of the environmental <br /> issues raised at the scoping meeting for inclusion in the Draft EIR. <br /> THE PLANNING CENTER I DC&E 1 <br /> MAY 1,2013 <br />