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File Number: 13-307 <br />long planning process for the Plan began in late 2010 and has involved extensive regional <br />working groups. City Planning and Engineering and Transportation staff have been actively <br />involved in the process. <br />An update on the Initial Vision Scenario was presented to the City Council and Planning <br />Commission in 2011. The Initial Vision Scenario represented an unconstrained or ideal <br />development pattern which ABAG refined with more realistic or constrained variables to <br />develop alternative scenarios and then a preferred scenario, which is reflected in the draft <br />Plan. <br />Recognizing the importance of feedback early in the process, City staff provided input to <br />ABAG on its long-term household/housing and job growth estimates during the draft Initial <br />Vision Scenario and alternative scenarios process to ensure that the estimates were <br />consistent with the City’s General Plan and Downtown Transit -Oriented Development <br />Strategy. <br />The draft Plan highlights key growth trends. Of note is an employment trend, which projects <br />knowledge-based and service industries will lead job growth and these two sectors preference <br />for locations near transit in urban centers. In terms of population, the trend is for the Bay Area <br />region to 1) continue growing in diversity, 2) experience dramatic growth in the senior <br />population, and 3) see demand for multi-family housing near services and transit for the <br />diversifying and aging population. <br />The growth strategy for the Plan will primarily involve focused growth in the 170 priority <br />development areas (PDA) in over 60 bay area cities and counties and will most importantly <br />allow for local jurisdictions to retain land use authority. Characteristics of designated PDAs <br />include being: <br />1) within an existing infill development area, <br />2) near existing or planned transit, <br />3) able to provide housing and/or jobs, and <br />4) allowing a diversity of densities and community identities. <br />San Leandro has two approved PDAs (East 14 th Street corridor and the Downtown TOD <br />area) and one potential PDA (Bayfair Center). Potential PDAs require more planning and must <br />apply for a formal PDA designation . <br />The most recent public comment period for the current draft Plan and related draft <br />Environmental Impact Report ended in May 2013. The final Plan will be presented for <br />ABAG/MTC adoption in July 2013. <br />For a full version of the draft Plan, go to <br /><>. <br />Attachment 1 shows the forecasted employment growth and Attachment 2 shows the <br />forecasted household growth. Both attachments are arranged by PDA type and jurisdictions <br />and provide comparative data for San Leandro. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/11/2013