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8B Consent 2013 0617
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2013 0617
8B Consent 2013 0617
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Last modified
6/26/2013 5:07:02 PM
Creation date
6/12/2013 4:06:32 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill <br />development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and <br />housing-related parks. <br />This bill would enact the California Homes and Jobs Act of 2013. <br />The bill would make legislative findings and declarations relating to <br />the need for establishing permanent, ongoing sources of funding <br />dedicated to affordable housing development. The bill would impose <br />a fee, except as provided, of $75 to be paid at the time of the recording <br />of every real estate instrument, paper, or notice required or permitted <br />by law to be recorded. By imposing new duties on counties with respect <br />to the imposition of the recording fee, the bill would create a <br />state-mandated local program. The bill would require that revenues <br />from this fee be sent quarterly to the Department of Housing and <br />Community Development for deposit in the California Homes and Jobs <br />Trust Fund, which the bill would create within the State Treasury. The <br />bill would provide that moneys in the fund may be expended for <br />supporting affordable housing, administering housing programs, and <br />the cost of periodic audits, as specified. The bill would impose certain <br />auditing and reporting requirements. <br />Existing law requires the Department of Industrial Relations to <br />monitor and enforce compliance with applicable prevailing wage <br />requirements for specified public works projects that are funded by <br />state bond proceeds. Moneys collected for this purpose are continuously <br />appropriated to the department from the State Public Works <br />Enforcement Fund to cover the costs of these monitoring and <br />enforcement duties. <br />This bill would require the Department of Industrial Relations to <br />monitor and enforce prevailing wage requirements for construction <br />contracts for certain public works projects over $1,000,000, that are <br />funded, in whole or in part, by the bill. The bill would authorize the <br />department to charge each person or entity awarding a construction <br />contract for the reasonable and directly related costs of the monitoring <br />and enforcement activities, and would require the department to deposit <br />the moneys collected into the State Public Works Enforcement Fund. <br />The bill would exempt projects with a collective bargaining agreement <br />with a mechanism for resolution of wage disputes from this requirement. <br />By establishing a new source of revenue for a continuously <br />appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. <br />96 <br />— 2 —SB 391 <br />
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