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Agmt 2013 East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2013 East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD
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Last modified
6/24/2013 11:49:08 AM
Creation date
6/24/2013 11:49:07 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2013-081
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2013
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2.12. Yearly Consumption Data. Upon request, the District will provide to the Agency yearly <br /> consumption data in the format described in Exhibit C which format may be revised by <br /> the District from time to time. The medium for the data shall be electronic file transfer. <br /> Charges for said data shall be in addition to other charges set forth in this Agreement <br /> and shall be based upon the actual cost to produce the data. The District is not obligated <br /> under the terms of this Agreement to provide any other special reports, data, mailing <br /> labels or mailing lists. In the event this Agreement is terminated, the District will <br /> continue to provide yearly consumption data upon the Agency's request and the Agency <br /> will pay the District's cost to produce said data. The District is not obligated to make <br /> available to the Agency any other form of data requested for individual customer <br /> records or groups of such records except as part of the annual consumption data. The <br /> Agency should review the annual consumption data for accuracy and advise the District <br /> as soon as practicable of any omissions, errors or discrepancies in the billing of its <br /> sewer service charges. <br /> 3. Obligations of the Agency <br /> 3.1. Payments to be Made by the Agency <br /> a. Billing and Collection Expense. The District will annually calculate the estimated <br /> monthly cost to bill and collect the Agency's sewer service charge. The calculation of <br /> said estimated cost as shown in Exhibit A, shall be based upon (a)the District's <br /> knowledge of the cost to collect on behalf of its own accounts and(b)the amount of <br /> revenue collected, number of accounts to be billed, and number of meters read for the <br /> Agency compared to the total revenue collected, number of accounts billed, and <br /> meters read by the District. Said estimated costs shall be reduced by an allocation of <br /> late payment penalty fees billed by the District, based upon the Agency's portion of <br /> total revenue billed. During the fiscal year in which the billing and collection of the <br /> Agency's sewer service charge is commenced, the Agency shall pay to the District, <br /> on a monthly basis, said estimated cost plus the amortized payment amount towards <br /> the Agency's prorated share of the fixed asset or Customer Information System (CIS) <br /> replacement as shown in Exhibit A . At the close of the initial fiscal year, and at the <br /> close of each subsequent fiscal year, the District will calculate the actual costs <br /> incurred to bill and collect the Agency's sewer service charge. If the District's actual <br /> costs are greater than the estimated costs paid by the Agency, the Agency shall pay <br /> the difference to the District within thirty(30) days of the District's invoice therefor. <br /> If the District's actual costs are less than the estimated costs paid by the Agency,the <br /> District will apply a credit to the Agency's account. The actual cost calculation by the <br /> District at the close of each fiscal year shall be the estimated monthly charge which <br /> shall be paid by the Agency during the next fiscal year. The District will provide to <br /> the Agency an annual reconciliation of billing and collection actual costs to estimated <br /> costs for the preceding year and provide projected estimated costs for the following <br /> year. Calculation by the District of its actual costs to bill and collect the Agency's <br /> sewer service charge shall be conducted according to standard accounting practices <br /> on a shared cost basis. The District agrees that the charge to the Agency shall not <br /> exceed the reasonable costs of providing the services rendered hereunder. Subject to <br /> the limitations expressed herein, the parties agree that the District's determination of <br /> its actual costs shall be final. <br /> 6 <br />
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