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<br />3 <br /> <br />Section 1 <br />Management District Plan Summary <br /> <br />The name of this Community Benefit District is the Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit <br />District (the “CBD”). The District is being formed pursuant of the City of San Leandro <br />Community Benefit District Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2-20 of the San Leandro Municipal Code <br />as hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance. <br /> <br />Developed by the San Leandro Downtown Association and the CBD Steering Committee – this <br />Management District Plan is proposed to improve and provide special benefits to individual <br />parcels located within the boundaries of the newly proposed 2013 Downtown San Leandro <br />Community Benefit District. The proposed CBD will provide special benefit district <br />improvements and activities, including cleaning, security, beautification, district identity, <br />possible transportation related activities and other special benefit programs to parcels within <br />the boundaries of the proposed district. <br /> <br />The proposed Downtown San Leandro CBD serves to improve the individual parcels, attract <br />new customers to their businesses, increase sales, increase occupancies and enhance the <br />benefitting individual parcels within the CBD. The proposed CBD seeks to fund the special <br />benefits that will be provided over the next fifteen years, based upon keeping the greater <br />Downtown San Leandro area clean, safe, orderly, attractive, well marketed with special events <br />and programs, and increase commerce within the boundaries. <br /> <br />Boundaries: <br />The boundaries shall include approximately 30 whole or partial blocks with 290 parcels. See <br />Downtown San Leandro Proposed Special Benefit District Zones map in Section 2, pages 8 and <br />9. The District is generally bounded by Alvarado Street on the west, on Santa Rosa Street on <br />the east, by the San Leandro Creek on the north and by Castro Street on the south. A large area <br />bordered by Hays Street (east), West Estudillo (north) Carpentier Street (west) and Parrott <br />Street (south), is excluded at this time since this six block area is comprised primarily of single <br />family residents. If and when these homes convert to commercial or multi-residential usages, <br />the CBD will seek to expand to include those parcels so they can contribute to and receive <br />benefit from the CBD special benefit services. <br /> <br />Budget: <br />The total first year Downtown San Leandro CBD budget based upon assessable individual parcel <br />owners for FY 13/14, will be $ 384,680. Please see Section 3 for a breakdown of the categorie s <br />of special benefit services and their allocation of services by Benefit Zone. <br /> <br /> <br />