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Tabulating ballots <br />1. Scroll to the top of the database for multiple parcels listed by Legal Owner in <br />order of A to Z) <br />2. Tabulate the multiple-parcel ballots by k eying in “Yes” or “No” in the Ballot <br />Response column for each parcel listed on the ballot <br />If there is a duplicate ballot for the same parcel, the most recent ballot that <br />declares a changed vote would be counted, one that declares a withdrawal <br />would be keyed in as “Withdrawn,” and one that declares a split/conflicting <br />vote would be stapled with the duplicate ballot and placed in the Invalid Box <br />3. Tabulate the single-parcel ballots by keying in “Yes” or “No” in Ballot <br />Response column for the parcel listed on the ballot <br />4. Tabulate the invalid ballots by keying in “Invalid” in Ballot Response column <br />for the parcel(s) listed on the ballot <br />5. Save the database file <br />6. Confirm that the count for Total Ballots Received equals to the total count for <br />Ballot Response <br />If the counts match, proceed to the reporting step <br />If the counts do not match, check for cause of discrepancy and correct <br /> <br />Deputy City Clerk brings laptop to Council Chamber <br />Assisting staff collects remaining items <br /> <br />Notes Concerning Authorized Signers <br />Assessment Ballots may be signed by the following parties: <br />1. If the property is owned by a corporation, the ballot may be signed for the corporation by <br />any officer or officers authorized to make contracts by the corporate by-laws or by <br />resolution of the corporation’s Board of Directors. <br />2. If the property is owned by a partnership, any general partner may sign. <br />3. If two or more persons own the property as tenants-in-common, any one tenant-in-common <br />may sign for all. <br />4. If two or more persons own the property in joint tenancy, any one joint tenant may sign for <br />all. <br />5. If the property is community property then any one of the owners may sign, even if the <br />name is not on the deed. <br />In the case of split/conflicting ballots, whether submitted by the same or different <br />authorized signer, they would be considered spoiled/invalid and not be counted.