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Table 1 <br />Downtown CBD FY 2013 -14 Budget <br />Program or Service <br />Sidewalk Operations, Beautification and Order <br />District Identity and Streetscape Improvement <br />Enhanced Residential Improvements <br />Program Management, Corporate Operations <br />Contingency <br />Total First Year Budget <br />% of Budget Estimated Cost of Benefit <br />65% $ 234,175 <br />14% $ 50,000 <br />0% $ 0 <br />17% $ 60,750 <br />4% $14,128 <br />100% $ 359,053 <br />This plan proposes percentages for groups of services with the intent that they will provide <br />individual parcels with an understanding of the portion of the budget allocated to fund those <br />services, while simultaneously giving the property owners and businesses an understanding of <br />the proportional benefit they will receive. Demands for prioritization of one special benefit <br />need over another within the same category will occur year by year. Security may be a priority <br />one year, however enhanced sidewalk sweeping and beautification may be a priority another <br />year. Both of these services fall within the same special benefit category. <br />Method of Financing: <br />The financing of the CBD is based upon the levy of special assessments upon real property that <br />receive special benefits from the improvements and activities. See Section 4 for assessment <br />methodology and compliance with Proposition 218. There will be four factors used in the <br />determination of proportional benefit to the parcels in the CBD. Those four factors are: <br />• Linear frontage, (broken down by Benefit Zones). Parcels will be charged different <br />frontage rates based upon the frequency of services that the Benefit Zone frontage will <br />receive from the Sidewalk Operations portion of the CBD budget; <br />• Lot size or the footprint of the parcel; <br />• Building square footage (excluding parking structures built within the building that <br />predominantly serve the tenants of the building and are not open to the public); and <br />• Future residential condos that will be constructed along the public rights of way within <br />the District. <br />The following data represents the foundation of the assessments that will generate the revenue <br />to fund the Downtown San Leandro CBD: (verified as of March 9, 2013); <br />I <br />