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2-1. Customer Wastewater Characteristics: <br /> Develop current customer wastewater characteristics and project these customer <br /> wastewater characteristics for the defined study period. Analyses of monthly wastewater <br /> treatment plant records, EBMUD water records, census data, and wastewater monitoring <br /> records for industries, and City billing records will be conducted in order to determine <br /> current use characteristics. A balance to the treatment plant will be made in order to <br /> estimate residential flows, domestic-strength BOD and SS concentrations, <br /> infiltration/inflow, and any unaccountable flow, BOD, and SS. Unaccountable flow, <br /> BOD and SS were identified in the last study. Recommendations will be made for the <br /> identification of any unaccountable discharges. <br /> 2-2. Revenue Requirements: <br /> Historical costs will be documented in order to determine a normal level of expenditures. <br /> These expenditures will then be projected for the defined study period based on <br /> anticipated cost increases attributable to growth in system use, inflation, and any <br /> extraordinary changes in operation and maintenance expenses and/or capital costs. <br /> 2-3. Cost of Service Analysis: <br /> A detailed cost of service analysis will be performed which will yield the annual costs <br /> allocable to each treatment parameter(i.e., the number of connections, infiltration/inflow, <br /> peak month and annual flow, BOD, and SS, and any other parameters which are <br /> appropriate. <br /> 2-4. User Charges: <br /> User charges will be calculated based on the cost of service to provide plant capacity and <br /> to handle actual loadings discharged to the system. Alternative cost allocation <br /> philosophies and associated user charge systems will be investigated in accordance with <br /> direction provided by the City. <br /> 2-5. Connection Fees: <br /> Connection fees for new applicants for wastewater service will be developed using the <br /> three methods commonly employed by wastewater utilities. The three methods include <br /> the marginal cost pricing, system buy-in, and value of service methods. <br /> 2-6. City Uniform Wastewater Regulations: <br /> The City's Uniform Wastewater Regulations will be revised as required to incorporate the <br /> proposed user charges and connection fees. <br /> EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 5 <br /> CSA for Craig R.Lawson <br /> June 2002 <br />